The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE TIME8, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1846. 3LV 1KETH REPLACED on the priacipte ot wit ycMtnnimHMa, As reloota.Ba.1 ti awiest let tliii ad. carry ta Uet teeth fast seed ifteeae auk mw tt, Lslgaee TEA TH wtthrwt nuvsai aaa SSI. s4ef IWI MIIlklVniUt'it la.UrMMnfrmrvrtarttr4.

aMsJlevs4 1(34. niKRriL Xo.rV, Ncwman atiTct, Oxford A msMk wi ni ru.iatimvwKWB ftOvtfora ttf esvliswte aad UK sNae Was sfOT REMOTES. te tr'T ik oa ku lapevved res. salts Ulss aa. afoeddlnoS, aiBETII.

CjaUet Mr. THOM AS, surgeon dta last, J. rak rsS, featis at duty he JWs 'a lit tTTrn er Bl ra'T 'san'trsti Va1 Is rn.rt whamI MUludivMXt. eai aje. Tr a r.T.l rJm Oss above wutt 1 bees te ife t) at Mr.

Merita') wnwMMiffiw i MM a vivire4, Mr. Tawaae UIV a he ruaratrtcr ir r'ji artk tse a Hit aUs taaa JIm'U a pe jt Ui srsvsss here reeasaxtsreliwe eaavw. prarawi wv uattukirwtuiuilXHlL 4 Aje. nnT ossaast' wJ 8 Ladt'w maitj, a foung penon, of pod charac 48 Ladi im4, aUgewai a tvavL AS LadiVmaid, to wait upon lady or young I Wdsse.

wm iW itsTfecilysjalstileais UiMrwava.dr nuiix. ui mm n. nu kin in rw rkvuur. a te imL part K. ft, Mr.

HV 1. Mc fvtea. A lani's MAin, a person who perfectly under TL ste ls halrdrs slDr. mllieery. dr essjtsk'rit.

as 1 re tat mlM A 8 ITorKMiin, in a gentleman's or ttadcsmin'i rV famt'r. ir asee; wssaaft. eee aave ft toast pases, so in. As a ae ssrees, riwrsriaa eaee e. 8 HorEAin, in a gentleman'! family, a respectable aag ei sne.

fare It erish two gar a titwM. IHnel ll.i.MaJsot street, AS UortMuin, where a footman or parlourmaid ta kirt. rssreteNe mm. wdh I res ntks' eh rafter. Taw rs VTarred.

Pii to Ion Inn. eilthf.old. S. IIorsFM or Under Chambermaid in tn TsAbsl re tavern, a rnsve.M. vntnt Mwt.

who eea beve ft rood ombtt CutaTckioiMnoeiJcteneUr. PtrwetleA R. 41. Mount rttar. Msec ft Mr U'.

a. elisburr oi urt, riw A a young woman, age 21, who can rV. haes a I wraM r'r w1it fiia t. Pint lo A i rMHBka'a, rmr qi'. tan.

Wc3 nnl. u4 mU vN. ttlmailn A S.Hoi Ai Lapt maiis or to wait on younc Udiet, a mil, J5, rW oJwfUBja ktlrtlMMU. ul A in Rentloman'ii family, where a A f.Mnn Wkrnf. ft fnanff herw.ll hftraftrmvl rknrtr.

2, A a LvutViAlw "TV." "JSTT ysSias tM1i 1l riv. MU rMft.u wtiijimj. ir.ih A I in a email family, arpfpectabw vuXlwrr. U.J hir4muBr. hu Mrtk Vt mniry.

Co tmiMtlal PirMlta.M. 8 Liout Poitek, or any rwpectable A 8 Lioi ftaja4anu of Ik klmL imu Bkn ftm 3L wb wflMft ood tead. oNWl4rrrhi(ftftJ lh wmiml korw. bar ft Voi cWrvw, ftra MCTUliTtu nqolrwl. Ptnd la II: M. KnvrciL A I ifV. Uo fit of pot. ftijifla horM, or ta Ann hraoaitftm, of Ura la a Ioom aa4 ar bt a nn)raTTta taa or HBtTT. a ftwnod inaajti M. vlthoal meomtnuc.

Plnct la 0. Mr. rrau'a. cro. TanihannTwa.

A 8 or Carman, a rwpccUble man, age 28, ra. no raa Kara an nrmwyuonaota cnrrT. inran ta u. ii, AlhkiavlrrMi Waterlw Inwa. .8 Hkid Waitr, or an hoUl, tavern.

miriw.i rwrAruNa afpna. wha ran bara tamjearr rttafwf Inrort a. 3rt. Xra aham rtn fc 'ara A S' Waiter, in an hotel, tavern, or anjr othcr pvcjV! litrtiM of tnttcfwa. rpKilI jiutz ftff 3 1.

bo ruk ha an nciortt)fibl character. I'liact la A. Xr. Tajlori, rtfTii n. WainrtbnL i2lfc' vmdUeMwit.

Caa ci ati ttart So Tmdtti A.R.. Mr. Hlo rrra. i. i a ts Crtttai7.or Id pbfi Ptrect to A.

B. C. I yniti, KJcar raJ. A UorKMAii in a small tamiljr, a rwpectal.N TI.tTII.aprt. rvutly a rvaviw aiiivn lb tt? HJiuj Prrru4 wtH be ftwa4 uUtk aottiifv I 11.

cHK lKMtqinr KToift to aa! tc dutUajN ita Ua aolTnjt iacaw wtarAcw arriTmxiiLe iiL, rJ ii. tWtt tA ant. Unrj ma ic in warn ftm: Jy tr Mtfa.i&. 'et CU'VI VU. Ai t'rt Mp aa to iciT tf xraJlaJT.

mt4 fwMT mil aM all .1 ATiWH.BSriMftrMc.rfMUa.ytui.tAtwML i uk i i pi MAiiin a ficnucmans iamiir.iaai.iiiwnMri. tU anb ynu u' Jitf; tf lij' snij la a RsaH famCT. a ya rvrMO. ate U.wLo WaT.U.M. VTiliam lTt trk.

i3 3 jrt'. ftte Tcr u. trar.ux 3 tPa ti a. n' Bo. oia ara i adcrwxab.

arc cr ir tttLMr rn.TM mcUac hV. itn. iHiact to C. VT S. Upmc lXanrirreC.

llrr iA r. Vr; uKSflpMUT Cj art Va. 4uar. rtiaryfMr nut. tmta tfaf LU4 wt: 3Ttiiwt mf.tanla.vtat icrrkrMj ormt i m.rcAa" aa rrtaM fctffi flV tlCf'i AA' iLwt k.i.Mtt raVftU atatvO tUc ft tta rar al LLf tku: irrof Mr.

H.avmlrchp etj' niuar rr hi. jiinr rauJ iJaV arrt4 atiralilb.t th a rnurt rtVTiicr ttnr Jo Jr aai w'tioVt tfr fr ac arJintaawwl r't. jH are r4 ib rrr rw frrsascrVw.r' i UM rhrrnrlBUrmiiw lthrrt tKCuiGal A lS.tt1l I KarIf r0 rtrwc. Paaaii qara. rieUot ehararur.

Vswex A.Br Mr Maa fnJtrr. tun arl.TmitW Mr. tt 7 A Hqcmmaih, or Kurte in fmall familr, or Lwitr. ummu4. inwiiii, TmnWMnu iMEHnni Vav.irvm.anS.brTfM iuBd.rioJ liM win.

mfla rnir ro.lM. Pirni, J.J..'Mr..Om'i.txHrhw.ll OafMJ HtMiwvLiTT, ir.TvC.Io Mr. I'iTT 'iii tit a Biiivi (aIuiiij, i uviv a fiH. lKratqwra iViitTt. oft AS LadtVmaid.

or Maid and Houikeepcr, a Vilj.B fosn.w TowiaKo juiuikaa. ab irfrOj aadorMabb A 5 IIovEMiiis in a gentleman's familr, a re.pect jm owauur. piwti aooiua.toai ta nmorarr. i ar4 rr aa jl.wbo frffroaftiiy finIrrU.l im aiiro. I.

lira A 8 Wa iTin, in an hUl, tav rh, chap hoise, in Uftctr. loan or foantrr. a ft. adr. rMTorfoM.

yoanr mui, an Z. prfrtJy an4ertaD'li buoow xMianUval raaicivled ota a it ria hoteL Can Kira ascuritr: Ptret la A B. Klar uni WMthatt. A U.tur.R AVaitkr, in an hotel or tavern, a re 8ALE8 BV AUCTION. in tha pariah ti Jxaar.

MESSRS. AVINSTAXLKY" ti to acquaint the Mblie. tht thrrwaJEtl. lj ArCTlOX at Mrt.B airori. of 115 TrMea.

imuoi in fn Iti Lit, rHr.r.iiJi.u uvem. not. anii it. in met. ana regular an km.

a Tr roM Mr. Uaaana Mn. An oi.i. i paui3in aaeh. 11 f.

trt Ln ba tl br rrmti. of ik trnanu. Pna eil partiroUn maj A u.irj, or Housemaid in a gt SgiBa Tt 1 cii cm a i MaVTK. 4i.tu;lrI..imiHm tratk.crT.v.iinr u.iT A HnrsrMAip, whor* a fw.tman I kept, a re fj pijoia Va 'h triawJ oa a 1 5 in. ard a jit a tba ae r.

Navtjacti nf rV rvrWU i to. IT. who nn ba a chrtT iMn bamlr rornitara. Carr. Mrral tliin aid ranaiu Hirtrj.

rnn. a4 a'on "crof ar)aanL T1iewrn4piTrTel. Ii A rtri I a nite a aa Vmh. a. a.

aj w. Alt'. O. 1 MUJl.1 Tk. Wo Mamla of Tbt aaaaari awBabtfal laal at Tar4V.

I ftod Wtntaar. wtuia a fawwiaatai' walk of u.a JUUwaj Statlea al u.Likj i I i.lini.'.ilil.liiiaoTii.i.a KS3K3. PAnlKL bMiTu and bu are com mtaaoMd' ta ftuaaaaea. tbal (BBtan wiWumiyaToiaml of by prtrata aoamctl llMf bail oar br pslie OOMPlSTITIOS.attlM Man, aarir ta lb rp tt. lb aWra nrt casual aad dimamubwl aKjiDiaCK.

raplata wlib rrerjr eonfartaala ao4 IsiaTlwai apeaadam for a faialtT of rack aad farrasa. vS awhliol la olamaa trwoaJa of raaarkala baaalr, a Ua toaok alooa at Tanisw hifl. oaamaiaillin aisidalUaricbaM dolnhtfal ataaan of tba Tbtwiai mirnlflaail Ttawa oflba 1MTT oil aad daiwtoai wator. Tb crr aliai.t omltun hut ba purcMn ij. aa to affon asaoN lajnoa aia pnaatwaoa.

tm atauacaaaoi do Ttawad wittiaot rponU pal umao. which card but ba bad al tbeir "lion In Waiorlao rlaoa. laJ trail or of Mam bnJ. OJ. Mxaoa, and BrtlxM.

onliatnn. Kd Lioo nmra BoMlwMatartila OMPaTor. MESSRS. FARKBROTHKR, CLARK, and LT ttU mL4 V. a moS.aaTwawla, To mort w.

POSTPoitBto'ihr bar law. day, jfaoambar ML Laata. 5 nla. attaata aaibaaataM at HurW. iit dMaaca tram Ua Ua4oitalaU7a radaawal.

rootwtlT i wwad la aa wnifana aunaor. aad innS? accaaatlas, (ill) tardm aad focr enawta onmnrl (o Wo. 1 Jj '1 1, AadoTor to raoa. oa tba wtli (Ida of Sbrablaad rwd. lowlC lirj tba main rxkd knowa aa th Qnara'a rnat.

Pauaoo. Kirk of taaS2 laartnaatad la at dtjmi. aad Ktch ia ball tat. SSiear.twU fnna lb fraeboUw. at a B'araU iroand rrnt.

MatbaroMaUn? ranicalan bad of wax and Ilwhar. nlldt Old JnVi' at Ua (Mr Robert Peri, nanr tba prnpartj al OamwiT'i 'J urcadI.Cbanal!j'. CornbiH. Jr. antLan and tba Lnadoa Crorduo.

and thtkayjcB Kailoar. MKSSRS. DANIEL SMITH and SON are com ttMind WcSorforSALElT ArCTIO.T.u tba Mart. Mar Iba Back of tun f. oa TaasaUy.

Jiovambcr tba at 13 o'clock, i unlaw an aoeoptabla ofrrabaa ba prtrWmlT a ado br prima nntranltb abnra datn(utabed and anoa dnarabla FREEHOLD SKAT, with Ua capital aXoia. A mf al rToaadii. and nch vark like mead jwa tiijooa mUatmatba Bnrkt.arMdasAitaiD.ta Iwaon Croydon and Epan. and 11 uUat from Iba asveral btilxw, lha rwadenea and propartr of Edward ffowon, T. and fenaerlr of Lord ChanecCor liardwicka: rotuaabu of a 7 capuaV baadaowM, and truly cvmforublo maxwaon.

in moot mbtanual rvpair. with rapri('r oraoe or evory aeripaoo, anir.a. boo. iu ow.auia.swifoa wsuru aarln b.i bouav. oraiuers.

batba. and other ana neatal buUdinn. frmuiyL CartuU FroihoH ratatlr Rwdaaoo. in CniUu'2T cravcat. Wn.lmillin.

with aaaaw loi. MESSRS. ROSIIWORTU and JAUVIS SELL ACCTIOS. at by of tha unlor aa abnlcM powar aio.aammi dui rBEEIfoLD tlJIDE.CK.rertod wkLib laa lai I. and aituau Mo.

3. C.aotltuliow cratreot. aa tha rar.m of Wiaiji; bill, amlractn. beautiful riewa of tba aurroundinf eocatry. thatooa OraTrnrad.

and tba Tbatna ritondnf lo lha Son. 'Tbahotmut proarted bj a hand tarmca. and lha eiai rttH la brlfwoa of It crntaina aiz bed roam, ronM.atai!if room OLtnniiizii'aliia( with a braaklaM rorts. wi.b Fruich opooiM to tba tardn.aikttbalaateaiilJ Sttod Tj eooTaaiw. fr a unity, with diss oct cntnnea for armnia.

My ba rlwnl 113 Iba aaKand pristtwl panicu'ara bad on tba tmlM at tba ma Cipai lUDiat uriTrww, iwvn. vautnHrj, Jiawuiai mlaillubfyl wish a flaa boat af watar and martiHxj.1 timber. aad as G.Tin.'l:o! D. Klenkam. vUnk.

ll.Cl3iitVan. Loal proaebed by a Boat estraaro lod aad bn.l vnw lra faMa. tkrotuh a J' aid "of Raabwortb Jarria, Saf Ilia row. Kogeal ast 1' taiely aTacua of alma and Uaiea Oa enibrac about acrw. Cbanja ally.

CTnbin. vc ,.0 UrTallllUMUT TtTESSRS. ROSHWORTH and JAUVI3 win I rot to C. lt.t' daW. AiMW nr1.

Rra nt' avk. A VorxG V4lli fir Viirw A. pnon. rrnw.tabasprta4. wb.

uadarxaadt omUaff and 4 HoCi EMAlP in a small Mrrir afiitaiid bat IcJb uwl totba au wy for tlxliat fmrjaar tnvd. arrrtiVI romif tr .1. "aiacar. itrec to n. s.

ko)m mi.i 'rraratrcr Z. Mr. lrlrrr. P.rt!and lsm. ASINOI.K TOOTH, far and dcay l.

tctti A Attesat, to an invalid or insane lady, a re 1 A HorEMAin, or to wait on youn? ladi Uau f. n'orta. jani roomnie'Jrd. rtwrta4 txnoa. aro 3d.

wbo can w.rt well atbrrlvs. cha.andtwrnVia; Mr DORVIOX. trtrr. rr torol. Pirort to A I.

re t. i tintid r.t rr an naa Hwrn: Can toarl! mnBnwIrl A aneldcrlyor inii lad. orfVTr 'x r1 rX vrTTwiUa tnaiiaaJ.u watt iwrntrr A in a penMcinan 9 family, Vr Maaire ric, tri. boiaYHlna4r n.4 rM1ewntnao, aa.rn haT aal t. iVrrt.

a WMbi u4'? fw Tfi.Mr3. hty r.ntwrtu ruianTMi rrnta miid ttia. imH i riiiLiAirA iei7H lo anLiiiini? mat win T4Tl1 naa fTtnAwa lI.rtl Baa. I ITI Rf f.T. Kw AT'dTrUTa' ak ta fAnaai 'a nAaul ataaa i I ATa sl O.

W. "Wl iraoantajw, a i VaaatafBT a ja. a I dor uraied. boM teCof oak taalw. of ICiZbntuui aad mrnaptna la Aoe IT ArCTIOX.

at OatTa oa FrSl7. Wramh 1 KllVUy SSt iiVJS ladSKS. DArCIhL b3IITlI and arc! drrt i bj the Mprr.trror, ret4irir iato Tet chir. to W. f.

p. Mr4JeJtf. acr tha Looc. TtM jt ir. ry AllTluj, a.

tn ntTiwj taucuiate lurFmaii xenirn dcidc eui wtto iiau ira wiar. Oi ea or PF pn tnaj ito" tj rtnc mu uuaHa lour wiquov, Biarnie nt4. FREsCHOlali EK 'IDENCt. with a rahnMa t'lo uuraUa. farm atvl and fliturc.

atl ar Ij neat if BMrtttrrouoo oodlaaaa, ct bprniic. in a.n&t iuce, vti i i narJea ia ie rear. Ao; 1. Ucia rrB a rs lut Mr. Clari part fine, a rn4.

park Itaepastor eurr jond Jii lb bou. whlca 317 a tar: the irmaiadrrar in haaU. ilei i for fiJ rxacs tVomt. T. CfWtii 'ji.

a 4otrtc. BOfuTilaaivrv: t. ta ecakx to tua2.uv& wag Bsaioa tVe aott' i. at lV. aN JL Xi.

a a rteia taatn aa a1 a'aaaaawa I. taw Vtt. tlawil i tavav'h v. avwtte l. i nr it fiij 8oc4j tLy teraoTwi.

Al bua totiTJT" cbararta r. Piict Jt.a Mrtt. wtlrrtrrt4 HranJ hr I. whor* a rotuMy tuna back chair, oeatro aad iKriotial taMe i ppleodfl rhlmaT fratLoa errei rith In tA 3XXV.kitani(4rbiiracdMcctJKawn ieba e.n piwfirte of bnlbaat tea tn munm4 rv, and nomeron eleicant I Itajte.

in lb aaina tasta; nperinr modrre' chamber irrwulT in ipinih nuhoffany aoltbr itwli, including wcte aa 1 alnfW ward inrbitpj ir wfi and toiiet tabl. draw aheral twtni PH malt, wbert may be wen, and wl will neeiro A Wcmjiv, totakethe charceofonc cr two chil ill v.raVJriv iiJiiiit. LiirriiLT i av Jtw uTw a DnT.rfiatrranu hi lict arBwUni i 7 Warf. i. I A in cmill family tarhrt fi wA.

nian i4tTt ooLl be. TnJ IIa rrnxil in a Urn MUI A.JOMC i rrwT. her fiw, fsaVre tnaa tjaraed nie aiftrt r. an frrm 11 Ue COLOGKK, tkc I ia 'e4'V. xxd'ii I lancsV bv.

tdiutisir iUn.f. a 4" Pwfca ic.i9aSfr'X' Mtitif.ii. fiSreliV. jw IVi Of.r.irar. aw.

aaM.iai tan.i tt a flr ana ou r43Htt: ncn Ka or auTn. bronze Pirert tl Mr. frmotvl'e. butterman. Cboi wir3et.

I Owua.cLij of oruinnU laturTnl rhararvfr, and tff rcta. To bo larre ftx linm. Green', rbree lliCa. tno mwra Aaraa. umim a v.rt..

tAa. vJ M. a. :raf.aM cJ Mi pJr UUy tM a riHFd a Pi.taoTinc,n. aIwbA can rH up (iiuun rarj aa? a lwul ai 'b j.ti vrwaoi avowt cn niTatifrbj rnarr.

r. a a. jir. uree; MlCfjr. riifwt oxtra aaetiuon.

nrixr ir Ti7 t' MwKimw I tti uroa; v. nw Jr aiiirte ntau jraua atrr in i a .1 r. 1 r.aa IT 1.S 1 A.lUAlA.t. VI VM a UU ftCHOUi. a liS lCT4 lai cjat to th atr ocir pciuHcr, f31.KIirMiACU i Tkctt and ta TLie I nd.

"A TJxnER IIorsEMiin. or Under Xurscmaiii. a lWf fii! a rrrecuMe jmiBf rrra. Direct yur T.r an wborsawnrli wn at ber IU and Hre I ine, 10 ui, ir. WTeui1.

nacer. si, tiaifrj tret. RirhmoadHAd iVan rmt. rrt.l 'A ImiArr.iin nr nhAPA f.w 3l err tu rrfreOj nn 1 4 I nhkr Horst.Main, or Housemaid ia a ETnal. rT.blMe c.n work well at her i erf a vflne, foi W.

ttan rwn.n, wlvcin recjmmcDled. IBtc JJwn If reaivd. CnhT chxcUr. E.P., Vfper tAp.M.. Mr.Ia.Vi..n.

nanhillrow.SL LnkeV a aSiT I I l.j and I Th balsamic proper 4 "EKr.Err.iu or LadyVmaid and House A Bu4 an. oon wcm ji h3M.oiiritw. uci4 X.UT1 lajvi aa rw.rr ir a Mi eix ariaduaof a tnxuXa fr. a Uj 01 lci aivd at4aa uatrrd and Uftcc tSehablv anna, im aoa. fcojal Faoailr of Great BmAiii; ui tovaw tl tur tMvOr aith the M.f anuTa7 and bal vWt.

The trd. ItwAaaUkTs Kai ara 'iajc tsep vf eAai" eeatMtte brt JkUu ar.rMius. Frwh'kld II Prrarw So. 6j. Uigri trvct, Purtm'atb.

with I a.f i.nn. aad Fimr Frecboll CciUfea, at Fritkea. near Kirc Church. MIL ALLKK.DAVI3 is directed br the Proprie t. by on the Piw wrVat Piin mrtuth.

on tn3. i. ine tn tolo'. AJ ib 'Te t. arthePankK and elf ttbe loten le 1 O'ernment beinz the i rrfenMt part of the twnbf Portti.tuth.

fortr.nrj jearin tfco nwi rf Mr. FVk. tV rf'prietor. in his Mjr It rr ttiatse a.iWaiwt wlrfrwtilb.whonowferd)tr liiDtt hi to the i4wnAfnl af rtiithW rKlainaWaa Ta T.f arr ia: wmM K. i.

able tat any iot ia liidaal to cwt nut oceunaiin. tn i bim. ieir. FanborT. Ajfe barr.

at th Aantun Mart atU thrte a flr 4 rt eoon ton. wbil a re ifXTtxraent the i Mea r. be! beare and 800. cbot.Ti, Pacr. tfl and at rtr bjaftw.

in taitw. Lot2. Fur Krb4 br ck huUt Cnt I o1 ta Watdtfl pL x. P4il wlU to row. flatten, near Kiazton.

rtecuwj let at 24 wr May ba Tjvwed. Pa ti vUn Aa I tbt nrTnuM Arm, wport Vrowa. tamtavci. Tier ut Kji lu rSiio anlrefChtiii'l A Ho.ekeeter ia an hoUl, tavern, or A Cuamuermaid, a ropectablt? tvptsoiu with a xu. Up vart aal th portaVo eomo of Iwhietw, a nwaortante yc ivr n.wha ha.

fV DrecttaA. Mr. Pawvn'n. "ew Nor.h YES COi 01U.N KSiS LIQUID IIAIK DVK darea ia a Sr a. ithont ua rM.r xraya arV.nkcn.oerri..

natantCL latdark tcowoor byMmpiy rzfic.iu w.t:a.b tfc: Obe will pr du. a a ftemzz asl eat'. Pnco 4, and prtUla To tbr r' Vottinftaa5Jv.fwUata"T. 'WbrXteV' L.i:.B. ai Mt.JabnwB.4C OwaUJ fcilc t.

ChuiMe ail Kivn. li. Oif dot rx Bin 'i. a H. Bcdim Ilunar adj Co.

ji. 30. Moaawiral. BaU; Llib to. SI.

of mtt pfunicra aad 3od.cra coder in ton ani rrx.17. Svslta any rt of tba kinrlooi atJtre t1aa Mi if' neaato 1 fjr Sponowi CUa Ajquid ILvr t' 'V pftiprimr' adJrrai lii IhV wrvrprr KTCALVKf jri NEW PATTERN' TooTn BErsn aoi) aposarvH Ttov Kaab rfTcniith hvfli oftce of icarct.aa Uit uhly ml aba dil, and icHt cxtrnrlxAry jnauov. ha eerroTevK. i. oiraMm: air wi tuur aSa ut.M rh' Rrn wtuch mil a A oM ia lrepr rod clothe a lha aAimVaWy la iw thrd si tba raw Vntx a ti.t.

rd ffiTfaa Koa raanwv, aiiih 1 2TT.a DOBxa At MlrrCALrK nd aociy o. n.t. ljf R. Oifjr. aoaH, Cu a irv! rt.

'lia ajrd from Mica fa'a. a1wtod nn4 HALSE' LETTEUS on "MEDICAL GAI.VA XMM Mr. W. II II ILS. PrV'r of Mdal ll.

was ara.rf Bran ra? RECEI Vli PATIESTi al ltCOT7 II. now parcptkt ocurai 1m jtrton Mteira! i3xiraiii aj laraH bar aarojiax frw. aeadnvt btala KieryrsTalil bouJJ amd thii Iamytlel: it mki .3 tha ui a batairan "arrfTscta.oI br. a oratiac orrUarJ All Joltera So I 0 14. alai7 a a.

riaJmnaiiara. aisle "inrry. AS Horsi KEETEr. or Domestic errant, to a r.j' tmteaiaa or tn a nt octa4 I) frmaie. who ran t.wl ncompcLdib m.

Piron to A. Mr. ft ao. A CiiAMnERMAiP, or Housemaid in an hotel or 'accl uiHio a ftna healthy eslncne. oamandinc eitcnTaasd renta.

May aa ticwad dajy. and print.ll paftkiilara bad at tba liir tuui astccry, ana ia an airfast miM vn owimoo. ouui wiirra tea Botert fori. Boar too prt pony a UTrrwnaaj liatnc. oplt Teart.

It ba? aa use uasai oatmen. aicouent waiaw nruen. otora.0al Jewry; at Qarraaayi: aad of and Jam plaanire crosndi. tirm buiMKisT. ba 3 At.

and tta wholo in oaril' row. Rerota at. and 19. 'CLania alley. perron orcer.

it la wttnin a rew rat. uicrip.eoim nauu on ua HialwaT andonlr 13 ilea flora HasSmfa. Tba haulMtne fur. bitun'mar ha bat with lha Fvr paniculas aad card viW' apnij on the prenuota Man. lyaiea.

Weitonl and TeaadiJe. anli otter ft iba property. Captal rrechold and Tithe trot Dairy Farsx. and Muar. wiUm a low ttauca of laa lowaa of BusainALam an 1 Bic aur.

vtTortnA' a 'nor Ine at'oent MESSRS. DANIEL SMITH and SON are com roIaionodLy Ue T'eTUeea in im t. unler tbo aiH cf tha late lOdaarl Lara. Kta aF.LLby ACCTIOX. at th' Mart.

onTueiae. NcTexbor 17. al Tli. THREE torjealoaMe DA1RT andORAINI KAEM. froeholl and tubo fraa.

and weU wcer.d. beini; tcteraoeted and i art'y boan a (lae tram, hi the of Birw anl Cketwccvd.noar UucaJuluffl. is lha oreorarina Ma a Clart. Mewa. Prtrr.

and Mri Uirona. yearl? tecaas at low reota. amountmf to MJ: tonrthar abeat 311 va ea. "with nitadla homtal aad ie detached cuiax. and the manor or rrru ed masrof Binon.rther wi a tlarvn UarvhirB.

The etate may be Tiewrd by arplieadon to the tenants, aad deaTiptire the rmer tnn as rtuccinc AMcnianvuy. aty. A HorsEKF.ErER, or Cook and Housekeeper in a A 8 KiTriiryMAiP in a nobleman's' or gentleman'' a. fanSy where a kitchrtimaidii 1k. a nwpoeiable i i.

tm'j. Plaia la a ia fmry. a saNo iTi A C'ok and Hoi 'ekef i ek. or very good Cook in rV fan Cy. a Tery ro Ttahle tniddloar'el perii.who iter A.

B.V A Cook and HorsFRKKrER in a aiall family; f. II. ue4eTrto a trrcle r'aile widow. with enctm.araap. who perfoctly unduoda bee bnaineea, and can le i CT oramar de Pawn to 3.

Mr. Majdaa'a. dairyman, 41. 0 1 iwTttr gt. Grtrenirqaara.

1 A' 5 Cook and HorEKEErF.n. or Professed Cook where Jie lady ia berown hoarkeorer aad a ran'ar kitHvenniald k7. a rejortaVe pen 'U. who unlrranlil a.cotiforrnrv.aImr4. an 1 ria ic 4ije.

Can hate a fod chuaner. Pirect VSi. V.r.It.irrt. A Cooc and HursEKEEPER, or Cook where the a.r wh. usder.ande'birc ho in ia at! is brarcSea.

and tc 3, a cnaraner. Illect la a. 1. fj. Miotuibaracreet.

Itrj aauare. "OOBINSON 3 MEDICATED COTTON, aX ti nt :i.ez.t mwvnbcn of tno mea cai arufc44i. ick( anl zn rSwrnu i ri. urta. tra.

Ac itht in of iW irrtt lS 'roT i i lace, taeanua ta jh to rri. uUr tn vta. fr Tfi it aad i ileT wifirp. ui nclMaaL t. z4 4 ti.

WW a at. W. Ilirt Mttm. Taden J. t.

Itsacin'atai dC Ji.T, Ioaer c. MjRwev and it, Kxx atroK. il i tJX hrntit anl trtuan in tb THE 'DIsCOVEUY Ihe EUVEsi Dr! OZxytl'tTt PILL Thi. iir aal afe modie ae not aatl arcr rtbes the Treat in unpeseoWod eatoat. but aaw ii ro sit a yar of any oaiate.

ItuafaHiaeJv alAear wLuniJisauiy. ar c. sa.urs na mo itmceie etat pauoo and a fanyehTjpi v.e maybe IN CHAXCERY. Stry to frurri.and Oi vcrs'is. KTnsT JOSEPH SrESRT.

trae and a rflSbc that sb i ba OTUt. aH tr.e MUV oiiit io tb. IT locrt or vr.ancery. reetrajirrc it. been or acta rro tr aji sa adju a in.i in snitasMi of tar wi k'n wa POO S.

AS'e Pl.ASrES.alii!srii arHwc rmce.l is a cn.4v Trjixirf jrainas a li'aTr 'u The ctEia.aad Buire I'. Mu lnvier.Kaa'4rtnacy yeareby J. ierrr aad axd u. for lie bnuSoal elTecla. taay be, anMwct and vItm pnni dd in tba oaatre jf ac lUrtrt J.

iTja tf i. aSothrr ra couiterfeis. TTR 'co*ckLE'S COMl'OUND ANTIBILIOCS XJ Ml'A Tt 'I u.e'i an oilraoi rrora lha wcool Mi fc.te 15 .) the tran atta tba Nw rbarrt.aoop'V'a od the R. yai o7e tt r'wcja cf L. cljici.

l)r f. raaaiabo! iy Lw "lit Otlorl ic lha iir akin eflbaNtwPiar 'ac that wa bar aorxal ae a but what ntan a. ve kcowUtat rrh.Mtl reaV4U.w aBot fear a'ioe ticevi it tie 'ir Hct. nili. wba irfy con a ic'eotib.

I ihiiAref rsed into a wn or prod ettrv tte tv ndur wlurb 'erased. I uf.ty as'lw kaiir.eTr "Tafi rfi iir di.t 'unkaowa met of aaar eta wa ivvs. I rhtk and a wrr f. iu bejit a aaseRS r3i'e. i r.

a anicle of aoereci twv and Ac n. be sxs ialbe rs swsae 1 woea r.u 3ei lined, and tttrr ee rij ccf.rXft tf adrsevi: and Tea: it nt 'tn ir franca brueTkoil. tike aio aJociic pd'a. rle 5iert to ic i if.Si re are t.i. sh war fa Jasnee Oockla, a i ir nrji rre ijTeao Mirir Pw.

arb lgnioci'. usefoeMi.ieaab1.' cba acter fr wotb Lalrabe ar xr. I)rrt to H.M. Mr. Sewjan.

Wathecklrect. iTeQ'iinquar. A Kitihf.xmaid in a nobleman's or gentleman's iM. raniiy. unie a manH.

a rerectaMa younc w.maa. an Zl wko tborouihlv an ltrrwand. her buftineM. anl ran have twowkr' unos ehuanjr fronj the lade Is ahttut lo laTe. Vo 'ljof on.

a ciui 2. iiron nit sir. isnebt s. brain iraaufacturer. i Alulae rlaiv.

Hjd uit)ttafw. 1 extenwre 4t.ick Jewellerr. and Mieer naw ana r'ei omu, vauery. iirdare. rar.c, ick.

iwther aiih the f1oueh dd FnrDiiure, ac 1 Kt MR. ALLEN DAVIS will, by directiun of TTfiirirtcT. rMitfria from this bmanr. FKLH.T Al'CTIOS. on ab.

Pre a'ima. Sl. Portiecimth. Turalar. Oi teetner a.14 r.uoaina uas.

as II eab aae te cvsir HTOCK iaTKADIL eonststinc of pa. cold reck, ruard. and a aid. rbt'm. dre.

ear I rinr and brace tela, a Ivrre arorunent of.iirjn. and uj et with (vhii nun pitciouo a ea thlmba cold claj an eLdle a rarety. watcbes. ttrhly Sniahl. aid the bwt tnakrjii, wf auTHei.

i er. ana oiber rcoTementa, clo an a narI Tarietyir mint taorl. Jet. and nit war. The adrcr rodAad Sheaell pUse.all of lL manufacture.

Include tea and teali, tea kettle, wart era. bread and cake racket, tureena, ha tli a. iih coe. ni in et. Ice table and chamber caadieaucka.

miet. ayirir, and oy frfcer. vavt rarks. eponrts nnd fiarka. silver communion teniae, children's mu knive aad forks, wtnastrainen.

ink.e(an is, rautT bnea. ao.1 car eas, aad eeore other rteni alo cti'Iery. hardware, ar.d fasuy rtick. rami. iVX Veli Freehold Elizabelhan Mansion, vnill a small Para and valuable Farms.

tozeLher or lota, bra mile uthaaspion. US. DAMKL SMITH ami win a ELL br AreTIOV. at tha Auction Mart, on Tuear. tte S4sh of Xorember iintead tha lith.

a before adrenie.lw al It in direr raniea' 4t po ed o( by Pnease TrealT.) lha ORANGE ESTATE, an iinDortansrrDertr. on 'roce mile and a half from the Bo: fee b'sasios cumprHaa a fine od maiMon. wita i ls mil woll tJLbend rark. of a heaitbr craTtllj loam, latenected by a trout etream. jlkw reral Firms mpnainc about Mi rre in a nac lence.

out a nice smw wviai icti is lot us onto freehold aad free Us. 1 tat, and the bslvs omtau'ed. The manfaon e.tiisj h.ind.ome aad lolty rouiua. an 1 mot mforubly suited fora nrat be ma le at their otnc, in Wa' erloo plaM. Pas mail or oa the premisea.

thirty Hail Esata. capital andeomraet Faro, with surasanual beult rartn aouje. uomestead. ac near ts uey aa i tuinnp aiinam. SSKS.

DANIEL SMITH and SON are. Waitress Housemaid, in dining rooms, or i et.tJteiiBta;aiihentensiUiBtTa:sfc'.w'iajiefcrec srAiiit fcoue. a rapeeaM touh Pirect furnilurev' To be riewed on and OL.S, lter.r Canr a et road St nore's ea I fwdUK the Cataloroes had id eaclo the rre at tte A middle aged Mivand his Wi ff. Pans. aucti'one T.

ais.oid Jewry. a.wit encctnavoe man as thr ron In door 8rTaat. oat. Valaahio rrt rbold anl tu Leasehold lro.rto. Braun tiU i Tnaii i uy or siu a nre i i.uit street.

ana iTovn esrees, rinsoury, prodcxLit; a jto2i raasM RhcinbebUr reommendod. PirecttoJ. rd. V. Wjndbain stra Biy Jl qttare.

A P'rLER. or Upper Servant whcrc.a or kept, a respect xUe roan, who tired 13 ara is hia phve In Mb try. Pirtct to II. A Mr. Later.

IS. Iit1os. stn ef, Brkels w)ura. A ok and HorsF.KEErER.or Cook where the i A B.nmi and Valet, or Single handed with a 'Tly is owa bas a rr etMe perwi of etrve i TM e. IA1! lente.

aan. a sober, aclie. younz rean. aa 31. with wh ss ands soapi.

rasde dUbos, IHe cresma. raTi. ric lira rre ijrrz. aad manai meot of a fsmilT with uaay. irecl to PaAl estButxt.

nirVstr etl'MarrloSnna. AS PsoressBP CiK in a gentleman's family, wV towa or countrr.a on wlo tho A thorough good Cook, with or without a kisrVntnaid. a re teciada yoanc er wi. who can hate tha MrV character So oljeclion to a ioh. frirect to O.T r.

:s.Tia. c. ivnerj Txeet. eealiy. jar irtrsp ia'chracttrin Can Irew if reon red.

jection tot wn rcoas.try. Pirect to A. 11. aeorze etraet. Camber TICU0Va is instructed by the Ejecutor and aJL Pestes tn Tw! f.r rHle of Wffiiim Towi H.

El dereal, liELLty AUCTION, at Oamwass, THIS IVi. XaT.m'er 4. al Tn II th foDowtnt ESTATES: AFreehoid Rtaideoce. vi. Bd treat.

ia the parish of St 4lpb snlbout. Alflfase. let at par aft aum. Fourcheeefui aellbailt Resideae x. K.a.3.4.

ail li Trituilad placa, lit rpoi.l i ad, lalington. lot al pr aacura. Too lie iden w. s. 1 and 10.

Bransw ck panda. Harn hury r'Tid, IsJinjson. Iri ar 77 ISs. fu annum. A Rssndence.

vo. 4, Churetaoctrow. hamsbury road Klnfton, let al 11 per annum. Ai inthe of respectable tenants, aad bald for. loa terms at ar' und rents.

Also a c0Te a antRervleac No. M. Thebartoatreet. Oibaia aquar. held for SS years as is per annva.

Aisoan rmproras cental frs As. per aa num. artsme out of premises ta Crown street. Fitv ba'T. and Letti uiej, in, nKnrwirs vi inwj isa HT.

ASienDorougn. Jim AS thorough Ix poor Servant, out of livery, a bar. ar! yew. chararter in town. Ia lowo br country, pirect i Cottar Raitce.

tha sum it of liiiisoe aiH. kn 3 as lo a. II Mr. lUT. Hhran.

Oreat C. ram street. Russ sqw. orthaicptca Cottya. let on.

loaa al Us. per annum. Mar te A s1 Cook, a ritpcctable woman. Also tt ds'ichter. to wait at ta' le and tuit herself aany u.

eoi Ptrrct t. A. NawntortrwH. A good Cook, in a gentleman's family, a respect A a'J5T Direct ta II Mr. Brown's.

Shx3ry terrace. Pimlieo. A cood Cook. in a gentlemsn's family, a respect sTV aM per.on. wUh a dcharaet.

Paldrar AS good Cook, a respectable ptrs who tho ssZi. un.lers and Ve banness. and has a a chsran Are vri to WiU warehuse. OrcBii'le street. Brune A Sod Cook in a gentleman's family, where a f' iCnan is kef.

rpe nahle person. a 33. ahn ran hea four itooj cnaraoer. pirect Alt iMtreet, AS good Cook, or Cook and Houstrkccper, in a TV T.sman's iaai, a nwc person. wh.caa re 1 Ttl

Ih ert l. A Mr Ma. Jwi faT i ps. Hyd park. ca Ijook, a resriectaMe single woman, age fV wheaTi hare an I a Va's rharaster ia int.

A good Cook, in a gentleman's fimily, a respect able frtnale. ae tl, wh uaderrtaads her bu itw in all its bran s.andtedairr. aishaneicenent cbar aat.f. ct A. II.

Elrraheth strset. Iisrs rm. KeishftrVre i and A Cook, where a kitch nmaid is kept, a re si waUe" person, wh thsrourhly en mar br Isjsiress aal nrii ta I caaiareIltri.oshs'r..ichar irter. I reel to B. Brim ant Sob's.

DshKinrrs. Wumore street. Cavrjdi sqare. ond.ied nsrti A gool or Cook and Housekeeper in a Obserro lr ts' el fa ly where a kit JietimvH is kept, a dr ior r.s. ifa Via whotborMDly understands she dairy, and cxnl buLlj iri.

flTCCt I A. ir. Alan S. 3. sVbari rh 'ye.

We SrritLSeU. WAST TLACES. AU ktters to be poet AS 'VVet Nr RSR. a heilthy, young, arried woman, Pirott to C. Mra.

rreelirTaeer. rje 53te: a AS Wet.Nvkse, a respectabli young ptrK.n,with a uii 'Al5rr eVs rAL PirectU' A.b 3jWi3a s. Hr a strset, staoo r. rmondsey. AS Wei a young woman, ag tl.

'ilu tieeilecs itdl. and Ler lint chnd. and I Martha, Cas lesj suy Ivest to 3. II. Crcus a Qrosre AS NrR person, who can tak bhj the rcotst.

Pirect i A.E.. 7. EiUn atref Ore aarseaa e. AS'Ni'R woman, who can tali uns ci (' tw tfttrvecbiii B.jii Late a m4 eLa ic tee. V'wn ore ffirwrs so A a.

tasa ashaixeel, Ilaxp aseajaTad. Nirc'e. in a A atarao, ah caw; enarsf from tfce Jsosminr's. s'ati t.c gs.ntleman'6 a rcf pectaMe 'ake she cnur: sre a nurerr and a aee a rood i as fliarswatdr rsad. A Nrn in a tamily.

iiy jjeoond in a Ir sabl yruarwT tl. whoss eajabla altaair.rrtarrei'acB Ii'rjnitbe ra.wlh,sh afl character. Ii ret .1: Vr. Pnten': Beiieiterrac i. ire.

A Nt'RSE, Second' Nrs in a gentleman's A Cook, a person, about who can "have a leharacs T. rect to M. Frtsar laaa. Ilolhora. A Cook, in a small family, a respectable young WOtnan.

Who can hSTS irsal W.an1.lnae feroan ts kept. Pirset to M. it. White Conduit arr st. PeniontlDe A Cook in a gentleman's family, where a foot Jl man is ker.

a nsf. yabv a i a 11. pper QorreseTe t. Rryan vei sanara. AS Cook in a gentleman's family, or co*k and wTV oko rr to a tinrla rmtleman.

a re reetaMe younr wman. AS Cook, in a gentleman's family, a person who th raderstands tu iseM and can bare a rood charae treet. "Iford square. A good Plais Cook, ia a gentleman's family, a Jea goil character. Pi ect to li.

Trsfs'rar sf et WalaondL siarstst 4 good Plaix Cook, in a small family, a rcpect ahlo erson. Pima to JLB lr. olman. str.s. A a god Plaix Gok, a respectable pf rson, "T1 Krwt Mr.

Eudda. ir evn. jrrociT. y. stTet, Pnnlan.

t4e. S.trorOU'.l IS POOR or OUt Of IiVITT. Messrs. bweeiinr and Brme. sollaBton.

li sV country handed where a la 1 Is kept, a respect. 'lotto at Cynway'ii; anl at the aa. or5coa.3. Abchuroh wHoran naeearood character oltaayears and MJ aio. a r.alf.

Ptr Hti.J. IK. ostifheo. Leicb street. Bun'a A to look after a' horse aad ib triei haK.

t. drive out. In town or Can have a rood cha racter of too years. Pirect to W. IL.

i tot efice. Lislle Sussex place. Xovetnlssr 4. at 11 l.L. tbe neat A ban lsnane town bwiit Clar moe.

a capital Sttg Mare, quiet and clever is nies. ani nou euoia rurniiure. at Hkmpb.n vncl.cear oiurt.and Richmond. By Mr. JOJIN upon toe rrenia rs.

ianica axa iLsposed Oil mis PAY rarkraraens. Furniture of a gentleman's A MnZlelAW. aire i'K OUt Of IlVerV. Single Or Wbere. tX.

cxttare eaTons anl with a Ts.1 is ken, fn toa a or eonntrv. Hi, rf etle nbUrfiiu! l. r. 1 leal beddmr. an 1 other Hrnilu e.

of fix bad ckachTSiaah. eanv ba.1 and his chsccter ia la tiwu. Pirect to A. Movers. xt.s and rosew aitum and drawmj room furaiture.

a cahmet pianoforte by rsrtck wreet.Otf wd stresL Oeiaeati, a pedal ha a. tandsoma amner and dea ert china andrut i five, and various lirane tn law bousa and oSs; also a reeecUy sew A rviTMAN under a OUtlcr, or in a Small familr, cUreeice. a rr. douhie aad hamesa. a eful mare, two i at fl rer taMaL vounr man.

a13. aith'ae andchaja ia.r. ew in fuu miik. carta, ke TobeTiewed ea TussdaT. the 3d of Xo rt ntoA.

B.U ew rrs t. I.ret square. semper, wnen casah rura may ana on the rentses at the Inns al jisiaiuo urT so i niu at JIT. JVLU fawioa aucTVa and fr 1, iiarnpioo.urvaswiinyinwni.1: ana at Mr. Jo I ooTMix.or Under Uutler, a young man from i aoncv oee.

nr t.n leiTbamei. Vm 1 Barnaburj park. Isluntoa. iurTor detvshv. toA Mr tarj resrspaper

13. Pake street. M. Ja nes's. mperfect repair, a Hi UirtOardeo.

at a a fooTMAw, or Under Uutler a young man, jL tn. with bar ears' g'v dcharaeta' Ia town or couhiry. Bit t. A. B.i.1.

Liu ioc ateMft. rtiaiia'aloa CMsi.4i. iVI is lnsirucic io ar.LiLi ny jvvja. at iiv.s.aiuio aiart. 'tn inursoaT.

tj, the LEASE 0 a. ciwini. jAjiii.a n. wi.a larre waiiou ASP OOTM i a butler or an upper Servant tardea, hot and rreen hoa put int crmplste. substantial.

fY bkpt. as Match Fjotman. a rrbirhv "restcsabla ionic' anl corativa repair; cslammr sir? bed roonu and dreeeinj! room, ca man. ar heirht fet. can bare an eiorllent character.

Pi r' ditmr room, two eleraat tlraw jij rooms ctnmuaicas nr. breakfast sBsmwiwi, nsu mirsaCT wiiqporueo.aatorltaet. jst, CanvemenS lomescie ofces front eourt and'leautifal rsrilMi. Th.

held on lease, at the aery low rent of 1)I anaum. and a portion of the rrouad Is letsoa al 15 re annaax. To he "Viewed bj cards in appii catlnti lo Mr. llerTinr. Iu9.

Fleer street. P.rticuUtrs also at the real deoee at the Mart and of Mr. Waller. 24. Pipsr circus.

MS lu.nicted Vv the Pronrietor to aifer rubUe COMPETI TION, at tha Aoctirm Mrt. on Tueaday, the ilrh of Xoreraber tTasteat! of tbe l'tn. u. beforn adTerttd ed). at IU o'clock, tba above truly Taltvable KSTATK.

a jeVi Jy sttautd. near tbe market town of Bs. tj. and liivhop tTalttamrini mle from tbe tnt town rf aonitsijnnton. ana th nme frutn the ctj if win cherter.

Tbe property tnph! a futntiU fann noaM; tb nacee arr oatbwiiidinc. ail in jtood repair, a aMdrab' nun havtnc tM en rrntly eipended anon tbeta. mua aout 16S acre of araVe. pasture, and wood land tbe whM in a jtood atatt of with, aa enmmruwe. and let tomtnrepoeiale tenuta.

The csuto ii well ucked wit. tmber of a luiunant rro nh. It i copyhold, vf and q'lice equal freehold, the oieaoo alitMiatMrD Dviric fixed, aa i of a trivial amMint. P.tri'eu'ar may vborty re bad of W. an H.

OuUhj Tt, rV lcfj, Lyodo ofMr.Saraael Great Vanaonih, Nt rfolk of lr. J.IL. Rerte, Bhop'e WtvJthara. Messrs. lHnlel Sgiith and Son, laad acto.

Wntertoo plac, Pall mall. Liad' 'n. Uwlsomo Fiirnttiira fr tn the eouairf. CMnt Paatfrt by Tom ktaon and tfan. 15 wnct Plat 1W Ttrl.

of Bwkf. Mac, Turkey nn 1 Broael Ctn v. Pictares, Clumnt GU. SuAtiMkii'e Htf fk. Hoa an I chcp Booketaea.

Ftttinxi of a lUtlway ltahuPkhment, aid. i MR. HAMMOND will SELL by AUCTION, at the RolW ale Unn. ti. ChanodryIane.

To tow, Xo. 5. at 12. tbe aVfe with a Urips Quantity of esc set ure foroittiaj aiid twl library aa I offlr of the tL utl dj rpi'B. Tol viewed, nal eaUslor c9 bal at tha rjetiottMr ftfi5 Chaa luittiOfe 1 ov Uwirahw LraaebUd Property in tbe bnrooxh of ftmihwark end Ok! Kent al.

tart vimm. tbe rfniire ue tate of in cny qt i.onoon aiioce.aer rrnauce AIM per arinnrn. TV! R. HAMMOND is directed to SELL by ATC lTja. TIOX.

at tha Mart, on Wr.lee November 1. at 11. tha aaote. Ineludmk seven c.itrpaet FAMILY RESIDBS'CEJ, twine Sea. Wt" K.

iadu ire, St Oeorje'ailaca. hire street. r3.uthwark. bald und tha city of Louden f. 42 veara at CI per anaam.

ant let I3d per annum. A pr vata Family Rsi I. nee. inr No.3. CurJett Kant roaL held for 37 rears, at or annum and let for 54 per anaumj I And a detached Couare keen tha Retreat, at aioce rar buiUinrs.

Old Kftjt.road.ia lha oeeuDatiea of tha indcr. heid for arjout 3 years, tr a fru'n goual runs. Parsicuiara and eon aiuons or east to.oe aad or J.r. tisamjaa. estata areacy Chaneerr lane.

reel to laker. 1. street. Ra square. A Footmax.

in a small family, a joungdnan. age 14. who is willinr to make himself reeerrfy useful. nt so AS Footmas, in or out o'f livery, in town or couatrr. a younr xnan.

are'14. who uaderstandi his AS Footmax under a bttiler, or single handed, raspeetaMe scunr man. are 3). with one year and three monsLi AS Footmax, or Porterj in a gentleman's or trades msti's fati j. a respoctaUe married man.

His wife as iwl No to look after chambrrs or otTiees; or in anv capacity where they vmU make themsalvea uaefuL No oMectioa toa Job. Can town, Pirect toE. iiiiast atrwst. S.FooTaot under a butler, or where a footman AS Fisarnor, or in the stable, or in any capacity here ha ran make hiai if rant rally useful a napactahla youth, are 16. from the can hare a od character.

Pirect to A II. C. ft Beves, news arent. Oraj'sdosi. A Coachman, or Groom in' reins, or to.

ride aiid jL ainxle younj man. Pireci to A m. giii Tcewseass. Tntwrton square.

A CitAtifsiAX.or Groom, a respectajile young man, jT are a. wK. can hare months' personal cha artee. In tnwa ore unTy. Pirect to F.

R. Mr. ruoij iTcrj nceca. MIL IIEXKV F0.STK11 wUl SELL bj AUCTION, at bin reat Rwn410. Oxf.

rd etreet. near ChaaH' Mrfr murrow. at 12. onre irrd1y. the returne dean HFFECTd.

in focr fr po9t anl oremahoruy French bed td ala. hanirinre asdbe4dK. two iiyj wardril at reral rbetf cf drawen. niar.le top nt hjund aad fluin two Urge rberal Raxves. Ararat m.vJern "rneewood drawing roain cbvr.

fa. (ia three am couebea. and frjtojr. roevwood loo, card, aa 1 ther tablet, chcttoa er. fire ch mney Klav toId mahi ncy dminx rom chain, eooch.

anl evy cfcairi. tHeivor dminp tablet, cur4 back aitlcNiaid. dinner airirn. twa K'ate 1 huh foldmr arec a and half evhadcr front grand and two other planofjnr). ry rcaker td flip at round teMe a darner tet, lAlna and (TUttiicbeB ttcics, uire meat taf e.

kc. Now on T.tyw. Thi Lt. LiQj4Ui4JUreAucU4n Uoonia, M3eBaine anl nuid bold Furnitore of vrery Uet cnpti'Jii Inclndinx a Tery mpertormade Hraniiah mabtaiiy French Bedt ea4 with canopy top and rich Farnitare, Ckbtaet Pinno by Stodar a 5Hcttve 'tviuare ditto, few Taloabte lVatir t. TUe tal bed LijMjXnina.

Gsutv Fiated Arti Mnaical ln trametativ Chimney Tier, nrd lTeiDdT Q.H CrxM ets and other Carped A one Model ia it ry of a fhin. uprrior Railway Impertala. Cs ee of Arrow rtt. "Wj itiOit I WrJt Wien. 4fccZ.aa Wine Cloaet le feet br 7 FilKsr, Irn BlJUa Ftitiirea, and aamrrou other iffect.

MESSRS. SLOrEU and GILL will SELL by AUCTION, at their Room, fft AanVpUce. Liraehoiiter Tllls 1 1 prf nHy. ind llowin Prilay tvtsinc. nt 0 prci ely.

the above valuable PKuPERTY. May be r.cweli the troni ia af vleand titt'tcus" Valuable IT rtwhold Hull lin oucdj about threa the Il Mitt M. tc. trtere ni, la the boro rh of ttfchwtrk a.M Ttree Leehitl lweltitjc bouLw8a, Walworth, ftta from trvr iad rnt. TiTR HAMMOND uinstracted'liTtfce Executor k.TJL nntief the wilW the lata W.

Mota. Ti UELLbr XVC TlON.attbeMart.os Wednevlay Xoretr.ber 19. at the above important PLOT of TtrryTalaa jIeKriLPISO LANI eiempt from land Ui.ea rblyaltate.betwtea nrrt aad Kent Street, (H mtb t3 prufit aby iareet a nun br the erection of 1T bu. whih woalJ aeatr a ro tkeeetate. TochtvwithTPweiiiD: baa.

being a. r. J.anJ5. rortJu Eart hiitv Walworth. eM upnAleaaef tr 31 3 ears mMzpirei.fre from rrond rmt.

aad producirt abvnt ZZ per annum. tbeue, with aad cin i.nrsof be had of rhy. aolidtor. Temple at the Mart and of Mr nammonJ. eatate aeent.

Ac. S. Cliani ery ana. WeadBv Cloth. an I 4r dwderof tbN irA Wfa4MLs4Ti Riiivf.

nA JPir lawnrmkca UotDaniwla. mOPLlS and SON will SELL br AUGTION, at JL BoonjLi5. Ht lttTtcr at 1 60 ends of wool dyed BLACK CLOTU; tly Icjurei. womn't thoe4.1tnndpsry, babeHaabery. kc.

Miy be viewed te day proeodin! tl minx of tale, aid eatali fuee Lad tn rot cn. Ora Ftr nd. W. Parrcdt ftrarf. Wp he Grove.

a oppa i th Ter raco pwr. rennmo uoo j.j.rui mrn" fcnd Airecta. e. tn priiT)C capital French Bedtteivl f. 0M9e Feah Bd and iidi if, epani Mahocany irawert.

WatDd, ndtMeDrwtoeG other requtrte. eight exeel'ent ani Mthr tany Chair. Duung Tables Pfitbroke ditto. Itra vel Carr eti. Fender acd Ftfe lr Chimney GU ev Couchee.

eneei, Ac, an Clock, a iT'lroJa of Lirea. Tea and Pinn rTiopi, a few pftnu and iiler aad Pla ed Ware, cry. tU url krtd pu quu itr in ijry rood oe er. MESSRS. WELSKORD and Co.

will SELLby ATCTIOV. on the Prvm'aea. ai abovs. TrtoTrow th5ti at 12 of the Executor cf the fetVfi vne Uotd'p without the lerrvafion. neatiay va i mommg 01 wwasaroa.

laayv n'M cnt aepre m.e. and of the aaioeerK 8 and 9. PaUeo row. 5ew rM, tear Titrenham curt rrad. London.

To the 5bihy. Owrnrry. Pumic, and Kurnhn UntwaJy Uoocra at) eitraat itiiuaenii rnrmture, ei jniT jcn 4u Chimnry Ola Oiiiiole Oortt.kj lV lw, and vatufoj) Z2fOL. MIL RAMSEY will SELL bj AUCTION, on tl. Pr eral wet.

12. Dfttn etreet. Oxf.iJ rtreet. Tf Norwi L.ber 5, at II for 11 unrearre Ty. Iu ihe prer are riow undi nMiiv i the nroerff tor not 'haviar male a aa ijj.

execute. the rt Jwiltiia4 now drterinjx.d Vt uui nt.) the captal btock. caxreJ modern FLttSITV3.E Li.dutix eti if twTtl ant rther UMo. coair, avafc. mah taay yUtboardJ, ieU of tele fx po diniar ublea.

un. vx fiijitiir), warb'e top toilet, tire Mag. an 1 enrra! gUi anl otler ruUert eonnwried with rnail'fijVnihinz: al the valufie tyw ra. ge of chimney glawea rraineJ xx tho mot4' aa3iirel etikr. lettlle any elate of and ma iy thr eif tt of anl oru Sm Auction KotKn.

li fnl lltMi. 1 ITtiruuire. tf ttop Fix MR. FUTVOYE will SELL br AUCTION, at hUtr aHoia Rtv ras. CSr Wmt SmUbli.d.TnX3PAT fTe'n at 11 ISprectely.

about tOC loaorvery tttwf il FCRXITCUB anal tdt ts ttMnnrrn: dinirir. loo. tMnhbruke. drtvan. IiTarv.a(v1 bthtsr table.

bedteadJ anl c.taa be idon, astaf chain, ea et.r vuperaor Ujiciw.vr'i, tiiir ji nii cucu m.4i, CTJucTy, cheat of drawer. cht'Wney and dre elng ai twe, tjetS aa ae eaif KUjw of eful aiiwtrtJlaiwaae ettecta, tc May be Trwd, aal jjtaIosue had at tha rooTn. So. IS. XewTBaa iut, Oxford MESSRS CAKE, SON, and REID will SELL lr the Pmniae TniSDAr.

Xcvrcmlner A at li. the nvdera FCRXITCBB eooipritirjg wtte of cur. ttin foa three windowa. carreal roe xxt cabriole (ra cuch, a. chars, tvUe, tkanltorae jap asaatjd and gilt caUnctt aad worg la devoaport.

maroeterie ci'mmoJe, foctaTe cabinet iauintforie. a bril liaat n.a.e ch.mnev 2lase la an elwaatlT ihaDed rift frame. Biw.j carpets, a panuh mahojnay pedettal iU ljar 1, a st si4iz uuatuji o. iti caaurs ia avi.aa pvj. iiw' wim a.uiz"ia.i roir rrvnch, anl iron bea Keaoa.

with. iucti Tgaj, iVi rnr, wmxai wtudrobe. martble top boain, tvunla. dreeing table and glat eheatg of drawers, and other item May bo viewed on Taday. Calalef hvl on the and of CdVfe, St, ial id, Great Mix! jrough ireet.

UrTx siry i)tAarn. Tbe nvtMW aaumuq o( ha Ive Ctidtrcs WetberaU, Knight, aad th Krt of AbergaTfanny, aal hmd a term of .30 years, tubj tet only K) pr annum. MR. HAMMOND is instructed to SELL by ArCTIOX, npon CM rremiscg. Xo.

34. BcrieleT Miaare, 00 Thu 1aT, oTetBw at 12, ale. an acceptable offer a tSo HKNKrni AL l.NTtRUT in the tJegaat and eomn.odioui TOWX KEIDKNCK. moot de.irbt'ul.y jntaate, in a Terr fahrotwMe and or anient part of the xnetropolit, eontUuou to tbe ple ia uit dnvet in the parxs. the palact.

and well rahe 1 for th iioiD fU reception of a urge family of disunction; cwipri iog excellent wrraats sleeprag rHMni, very eheerfuf, airy, prime pal bed rooms di taing rodnw, tpTendu! vaiteof drawing rof m. rectptioa room, nobl dining room. library. vetiba.e, rntratkce

and capital dnmUe i9 m. ke. The whole of which is he'd by leve for 30 years nnexptrvid. at 130 per an and estimated realize frW per annum, asd form aa fan" portant pnrchai fc ocjnpation or invertinenu To be viewed rani. Farther rariJcuIarTand'coBditi9at of sa'et? rwhadof Memrs.

MaJton aal Trollop, Udt rs, Carey rjeet: aal of Mr. Hammond. eeat agrnt. ft.1, Chancery lane The very elegvit and appi opriate fiiniiture of the mansion may be taken at the option of the piirchatr at a prioe that will he na ned at the iale, or it wdl sold by auetaoa tth the carnaite. upon tbe on Tu saUt, Decemb and fttliowlag day.

at 11 ft'dork. CaUoeties. at 6M each, to be hal at Mr. Hammond' Chaiv wry lane. TO carau of fine Bri'Itant. linMlaat Top and Kirrtags. Pur or tsrutan. aai itnrTr rjkninr B'j tsim tju.caaar. Wata 4 Itcv MD of PUt. HheTneld Platfd 6.tta, Ae.

TESSR3. DEBENIIAM and ST'ORR will SELL, XtJL at their Booms, King treet, garlen, To ertdiT6w. tThuradayJ Xov at 11. a i plendid aortment of coh! A KT1CLL5. comprtjWiijf jewels of gTt tiza and aeauty.

inciudlidg IXO. cva' of briliaM. the stxies aeigbing Id grains, 17 grains, 13 grains, fine sap res, pearU. rabies, erneralls. Ac, sicglo etona brilaiant race and pTnn, a large and fine sapphre ring, a pat of brilliant fop and drop ear ricdtx a gentjremaniiiaTegUdnkchaia with serpent altde and la re brtliiht centre Mirroohde i by smaller stone 1.

Ac. elef ant Jewijiegy, strung art dre nittV, a Tery splendid nrbnncle ditto It, flaw xnli. a pair of brilliaLt and ruby earrings sec with large ttoLe. and drieeEnaraU dtvp). bandeaux, tiaras, serignej, solitaire, earring, brooch eMfib, gold snulT nox with nlaaIioa nntre.

a Labrador box of great beau'y, W) Udida and ea tlemen's gold and Mirer watches, by first rata maker'" enantewjlled and pum goidi and sUTey casea, anneet. of imafea, vn4 and piu. forming anicles for tLe taUe and aidebcard, a hansjUom rac' nf eun, Unkaria, aeea laa 'ake'ft, teapota, ccrtieepos.cnietand, ralthMakrs. gablirV, deeant van isspojns', forts. chahce.eperxTJw, Imk rjUndlft, asestrnTaraitlrlM aad plated mountings, and a Tacrety bt other recner chc ropei ty.

H17 be Tiewed and catalogue hal the uy pihor to tLat of sals at the offices, Kmg street. CTjantHTkisii A Vote the ecanty of dlle ex. Tr.v Ottv es, and' neirJy three b'larters of in acre of Ltnd. wth 0M lrtTttd. at nrrow oa the HO.

Mid Hes ex. Ry Mr J.TOOTKLU attha Kmg'sU ral Ina, II arrow, on Fridty. SovemDer tK for 3 i the afternoon pra cisrly. by orderof the thfrPoiiroftheHn4onrtrfoB, and under the sanction of the Poor Law Coxmlirijrwrs, ta one let, withont PeserTe, A LL those Two Cottages," with garden nrountl dC. adjoining, isitaata i ar tM parbh of Harrow, fa the county of Middlesex, by the side of the high rnstd lead ni from the London road to Roxeth, occupying Taluabe rn uage of 3u fteet'to thl same, and eontain'ng twi.

roods ST percbea, Imniotiau poaserwioa mas be had of the To be seen by apptying to Mr, BiVSan. as rhj tant oreraeer. at Harrow. Partictfarsat the placo of pale the neigh IrrHir.Dg inn the Aiitti uh Mart, London; aad Mr. Tt oteL oS re, Kdgeware, where tbe eruditions of tale may be seen, also al tVe auc ti(er't office.

Maidstone. Ke t. AS Cui'ii4x, a married minsaWho an have five 3aut'chvacer. Pirect to J.F.. Mr.

Frewers, sS.e1 nthampt a rw. laootrjabury. 4 Coachman, or jTjL tran's rgintlenian's firoci MESSRS. FOSTER and SOX will SELL by Al'CTlOX. at tha treat Rjosu.

14.0n ek stree.hoqna e. on. Saturday. NovemSer 7. at for IS.

tha moWra FrRSITt'RE. rrraeTed fi re the nelrhNurh oa verl. 4ace. ire adsstr carpets. yia.

i a. i oi ea ana irons, a i. reei wiureu library a 4 feel Conduit street to drive a brougham, ina noble familr. a msrrie 1 man. aess).

who llrect ta A. B. Mr. Millia 'a e.rnmerrh.iat 10 i end two 3 feet rflllo.nll rlsxe.t litu arr tables. eh rf.ici of J.m..

We tbourne terrace. Ilyde I tahitri, rJc joarjs. roaeapod loa atH card tables, mah rary Arabian 7 i i teisseaij ana nacjr.swrs. sraTiirooe. raeess cr ara era.

marble drive rvli a at vwerytSoderti a uu man. II. of Upht ws jht, who thorotifLly un lerslands I rt. on view me day pnor. and uiaioruea had fjVlersrs.

Fiescr.14. the csre and kaows towa well, with two jean' ood characier. Ore et. and 44. pall maiL I' rtet to w.

tvx fr.oe. rartb sarrt. Lissorj STove. 1 Postpona3i nt tsla. A.S Coai Umax, or Coachman and Groom, a single "jVTESSRS.

ELLIS aHd WALES beg' respectfully jTJL saasi. vrej LjV. weuU.ahisuidrtaaths tnvnscem niof i ltX. toinfnn tha puMic that th SALE I'HKKIIOLP PRO Coprhold ta'e. Bear TheobaWapark.

EnSeiL Mlddlesea. By Mr, at the Rail Inn. Buira crets. Ena M. To morrow.

Se 3 in THE Property, which is desirably, situate, ia Whlta Wetoe laae. eeanpriaea a neaklaCt hooaa aad lare cet taras. wtth pyod rardeas. bavinc a fronlaaa af 340 feat, aad are ia tba occupation of Mr. rhalfor Simmons, and others, are held of tha manor of Honeyland.

Enfield, subject to a triflifik quit rent aad tha eurtotsarrSnaoaalieriasio, or death Mj berwed. Particoars on llM premises! place ef sale and tbe aicsione r. To Watch Manufactiirera. Jewalleva, Shippers, aal ihere. Pt Mt.

OLIVER, at Oat raw ty a. oa Wodnasday, Xoraihr II, Mllprs. asely. without reaerre. by aa order frnra tha Court Review and umcun oi ina jajstsnees oz Mr.

rrte. uuch maa. merchant, a rsrpt. Seioad of tba vaiuabMs Proo riv ot tba Lata tir Charlaa WelheraXKnt, induluut aa elecant djrvica of about TJOO ounces of richly chase Plate, tun iauma PUiad Anidea, a select uorary oi z.w voia. ot law atvt miscellaneous literature, ft choice Cellar of about 3 tea of soma rare Sua I Winea, Liaueun, Ac.

Furaitura and Pitsiaca of Chvn rre. ls orurinal tSharw. ia lha Loral and Ureteral In uranca and the lUveraion ta tbe Interest in valuaMe Chats.a rs ia LincoB's iax 1VTR. HA5I.M0XD is directed to remnve from i.TjL the mansHn. rkeieyquare.

and chambers, Lincola'aian. aad prepare for 1 ALE by ArCTION. at hia lirre Rvoms, W. Chancerydana. oa Friday.

Sot. 17. and thtta 'oHowiar. dsys. (Monday eiceptel.) the above valuable EFFECTS comprtsiiu the service of plate, aa eicelJcat law library, with the tre mlern reports, sututes.

abrUrtnanta, d'reats, indexes, aad keoeral works ot reference anl practica, a rood collection of the Oreek and Lata eiassica. and Knclisb literatara br the most eminent authors a ry prima ceiltr of fine old wines, with some rar Port 'rem foor to 30 rears in tU. Pberri. Vadeirv Ilock, Claret, Ilermltsre. Conetaa'ia, liqueurs, sprits, kc and the svaal fur nitura of eham bora, kc FuIL panicu'ars, with catalogues, at 6d to ka had at the auction offices.

2J. Chancery lane. INETT EIGnT SUrer "Watchee, enme JLl trrrned. doubia backs. Jjaoonda.

with moeoeoo issur karaTka: also fancy stones, varieus. opals, turquaiaa, Ac. May ba viewed lh day lha om of Messrs. Odrer aad fop and morniai of ila, al aarrawav s. CatalosTuea daa had of Messrs.

Linklaters olieiton to the arrrneea, Loadoohan ssrejst aal at Uu ofaoa of Mesrsrs. Oliver aad Son. I. Lasrrencadaae, Cttoap jdo MR. HODGSON STTl byXUCTIOX, at his (nad Room, 191.

Fleet etreet, (corner of Caanosry lMj To morrow, Xoeeraber an i two foUowina; at half paai 11. valuable BOOKS, tha library of tba Rev. David RueU. of Pentoa a ad amour which are. tha Orleans Gallery, lae old iispras siutu Roraoh Grampian Hoaaery, eolourad Pott Synopsis Crtticorum.

Hammonds Works. 4 Uehrew. Latio. and Earl's)! Hiblve. Podd's, Ucotfs.

QiUa Henry's. Patrick's. Lowih'a. imal'i, Whllhr's. and other Commentaries on tha Scrinturas OM Roirev Sea Casea, 1 116 1311 Christian Observer, lill te lidd; BaiteVl Works.

13 vols. Fore's Martyr, Tide. Hawker's Works. 10 eela. pap London Earvlopdia.

12 Srrypa'9' Ecdemastlcal Memorials, roia. numerous piviniir Treaiisea and Bermoasand Parker Society PutJicatisns. To ba riawad and eataWuea HI hsrsea and ctrriares. and can have two years' rood cha arter. Knows PER TV in Oreat Preseott st eot, 0od town wdL aad utj ction to tha country.

Pirect to W. jblsonl Jlaca on the Kin instant, is un uvery standee. nrusouHnews. tt raa ey square. :9.

ti.a.e sJ cs jjieysrazpra a a. TT rr .1 jv atveaeotdchara etfinNtiMj jivel. pirect to P. Mr. A ttwis iuis uwa ia a quiei regular lamliy.

A3 as, iw urivc unu tir a iinroi nun B4ds. J.C mp'C ea tlrtvwvk square. I where a man rrant or led Is ken, a Toune ai non i jTV. atealy anive man. are 23.

with a rood character, who I haraVT. No er.Jertir.a to tha country. IXrect So II. Stan is. kitchen rardetunr.

end would nntobject lo msks himself A XcrE, to taie the charge Of on! or twt Chili I jf 5'eOtJir fub r. Chel sneeus yuL Pirn W. Mr. Brlcht's brush manufaesory. l.l 1 a jl II i pjace.

iijuepva sq ara. rE. JL 'ldl1! i A S.I'ad awktw.or.UwjmM4Yi4et. or to drive ''rZzr 0 ji jbl c.od Wm i at. i i abroaiba u.

asinrla tduu man are 30. who knows t. 1 xSrarr.ptiri orarrf. Ruwa 1 arca a. aad Las omec; AS Xi re, in a gentleman's family, a refjvectable iera jvi.

ia jo raa. taaettire ctaixa of an itJant frsn a Hj. Pire A Xircf, ma ceorl.raan' family, a rtspectable Jr vafKHj ssc ier randslb': canar meo'. of a nurserr, Las eea act v. vf.a lanl.s.

ir I.A.eMaUla. ry. A is kept, a rcrpect l'so years sm latomal to 'tbe ilI! to uini of ehrldr ii. and caa take aeji rnan. I' A.B AS XrwiG, a ycing person, age 24, La, en arsj wmed i.Mr i neJ.ornam.

ulrwVrlT' a11 I'dXSua'ee. A UI)EK Xriii or lo taVe chariro 0f chiid n2'rm'jyl time ir aa tha ouLtry. Wares asiv.mukaa iert a a r' Ttil ssrjaiiasj.beei To HockirrhMi; ra. FitrToy aoaarc. direct ti E.

M.S. AS Xcr ertmaid, or 'Under X'urserymaitL or as rr lir Ladj maid. a resve tal ji are Tf9. a naUva tf battier eav i laLtfaiy reeosiuaeiided. Daieol to A.H, 4.

Rjctmujul. an PuftnJrtr s. J5 A3 Ladt's maip, or to wait upon two or three yocrx lada. ft reape labla aar won an. wba.thorourhly vadar ata ia druausUiar and ha.nlrisu.u.iaa akaewladjtacl taUuiery.

aad asa a kxUy renartr ended for threa yean, pa net lo M. A a Mr fells. tadur.y.lIolrjonL A Lipt'smaip, or Upper Houjemkid (former XV. irr'crrojl when rcaa tnui is kept. reapacral.

yeaiac arai.u. a ho trnderKanda fcajrdrea iar. fetticat op ana Itcan, and la aa ni eTjctit y.eeJewotLax Caa ti aa tOKxeepjonabl character Is krrz. V. nrt to E.

A. R. Jtr. II jHoT, UQtatoUirfVfi. Uyda pa tJejjara.

LadtYkaid, or Maii and Howekeeper, a Tery and aVassraiisr.Mlrattar A Xtw urtm. fmtaet Weald be rund cawU aacwwrlsati aaraSy as uaa wetlty and afcj riu. Caa ba mlgatj raosenmjaviad by avti an towm. Pwactta I.t.

Ht. Hf rsiit i tkrai y.U, Ut rlslK to taki POHTP'IX KP tha pre nt. Xow on View. ttell suit lliHs s. tu Trvl Fa nllie.

Br Mr. PE VI! )X. lujrroa. Xot. at un.iV psAPEUHAXGIXGS, Of superior qaality, 51.000 Albion I houses of every description.

On view this dav, and sale will com maaca as iz tor puujiuujy. ai nr. uoaaua a sao nns. z. uemorj atraot.

I Otf.Td au eec .3 5 SU'J HJVU '111 As gi oa rials Louie, no uujiction toa schuol or irett.R jT. larre (stnui.l a trustwonhy rson. are 3. wha ca a a dairy anllakrrr. or to tasecharre of chambers, with a rood eiiaraeicr.

uirecr ta asr. simi4ldsrjea (urrey. jl fr liv lt r.f an jf jL funny. rtjjwctat Je 1 erson.aha can hare a 1 character of A wo years and a half, ptroet to A. ltabere attv et, Owejl ad.

A 1 rr, ssinds his bnavntsa. A lain tJuuK, orii nral "servant, a resTe ctable character. I liou chtJid Funuture. UealelManhipe, CnUd's Cab. capital double uun.

tsenccuir Telescope, uipjicj. rreas. ana ritstnjrs.jji an Attvr omce. talaj under an executtva for rent, ESSKS. BOLLOCK will SELL, fat iheir High Iiil krn.

on firurday 'next: II for IS iviuuzuiv rnnrtaaJiT ine eenuiae moarn LaiAiTLiiriMid itvy Mn. botb easTT laar and JiiniM inan. Lf dijj La of tj tXaUrMjit rTT win, ax tiridt tt rlnv an lean drive a rir. Pirect to V.2., aMr. II, W.

XeTiU'e, 17, neariy new piuit7ftrtep by eminent makers, and other iTiAtnm iwagent Nuare. wmged and plain waMbe. a handsome four poet Wi tv ai ad faum room, or Groom and Footman, a respecUble 5Elltf? 2CM. who caa rideanldnva well, and have a eood cfisrsjv card. rensre.

and fanrr taldes. IT ahiwanv ehsirs is I. sth. i. i.

bjsrti a the. country or to abroad, rndmands rardo ssdaboard, book' ara, wntisf labiee, imtre j. floor cloths, ke. Cata Tooley wlreee, Eileasive Sale of Ku'limr Meria' of lha srsacious WoolWarehouses and Hereu Houses alioiaiar lha Greenwich Railway. Dearls new Mock ssnelu.

13ULLKN and SOX ate favoured with instruc liaa from the Pi ectrs of the South intern Railway Company all. I iri flrtV a. ta .1. va uic; riaoiee us Jtsae. j.oley svaoT.

To t.arrnw. XDve cber S. at II. ia loin. I siear ihe rrund for tba wulenlnr of the uway.

tw the pearly new MATERIALS af tv enactous Wi OL It AREIIOCrE l. built about aix years aro. aad rlEVEX HOPllKS Shops, and Premisea atiidnine eorrnnsiB? jal n. W0.t, capital bricks, lead nutters and pipes, icelloot tlato and slatinir pwm muiu psiauj pnui. i.s sim or umwv in raiiena, piaaes.

doors, sound doaa mit boards. Irn s'irders an I aash fraiaea. capital loop hole door.powerful crab crane with frnjih. jSovos. and various natures aad SKiurs up.

Mi be viewed on Wadnesdav. Cataluea had on the premises of Oeona 8 aitb. Eq, Mercers ball and of PuUtn aad Sou. Forwstreet.CripnIerte. ai C.

have three arV good chL I SSfltX SS2? ri 1 er in wn. lnrect to Mosen. White anl Boa's. cach i it it i uo Ti TrT good Plain Coot, ma private or tradesman fl buUdr. 3).

L. a raw. VTEbaHS. BO. a.

jl. cw'w 3 ini.iiiir ajCT jfiiv, o(, fvi raCf lTe a gOi A CIu.uwm tmin rra 111 stk Ul" a wi 'l. iia vora4jiurij cril mi 1J jor I. rert t.

M. Mr. Kurs, cumer, 7, llenrlctut pJtet! A Ru0f a )0unS man, age I wfio thoroughly ptiacttnHy. the rLiiITLEE.nidaeBtrtrt Matoy locuee and new the day pnr. yorinc erwriL who nn have a toed cTi i taT rv(ww A r.

Ifsll isswja I UtV AS Plaix Cook, or in a respectable TOucr wenan. who cai tor. reet to K. 13, Litsla Alhanysreet married man, age 38, who under M.ILL1E th ainiw imuiiuir, vs vcuive 1 li eaVinot pianoforte, chamber ri aiii pedal swlonceUj. vrajaiBju inujujjj.

jv jean ouuaru tataa. ts arateu. baa Umpa. aal, A llisnrvrs a msrnuH 'mart an odl shn rwir. L.

a IS 1 I awnc. v. aawa, UUSCTliaUeOllS eSTeCV. reSuOTPU HOUSe 01 business, a jTraVfecsly understands thekilches rarlen or a rrersaouae. objec from the west end May ba viewed, and catajornas had.

have Hmr.nth rood roan tion to look after a horse and ekaiae. Can hare nv yean' character. a jii our i TT north Resi. rri Iireel toO watts' narwry. stoka Newtnt ton.

1 IVI Jw rj1 'is DT AAJl. 1 at 1113 AS Plain co*ck in a small family vhcre a boy is AS Garpexeii, a maiTied man, age 32, who per trsr.r asu Tllj.1jmms i Mila. fertly und rssaadilzui bu lneas. and Wjuld not object toa Bur's yr unz peTH n. who caa rite aatsfactory rafereneea.

psrect toJJLHr. I Ca i have an uaexoeptl.iiiahla character. Pirect to J. Jtinif a. taker.

41, Cbapss streat. Hasyrara sauare. tijTMsaw. aear use partsBonsn Arras, gyaetinam, Rem. AS Plaix Cook and to a single A Garpexer, a mamed man, age 30, ladyorrentlrcjao.

a rurhly rrarrruMo female, who can liaTe CTjE. fai.wh.rsseaihorourh kaowledra of bwb llleftdant 0D as alderly lady. PtncttO J. ii jon caaracicr. ivea ioa.D.( rood rtraracter.

oraa Atteadant Mr. M.s lera. eU. Jadd street, brul rlera.eH.Jadd street, ltrunswlckquara. Qaeemureet.

Camden towa. without bawcesa. and rotter a. li. AS Upper UocaEMUP," or Housemaid where a A married man, ageSli, whoui der ts aT irsnssln youaar otDaa, aaa 33.

wbohaaao tbecara of tfar laalandcatle aDdcaaiiijUalunjsejUtie wai stiTwt.ljMwUaol As Upper Uocsemaid, or Attendant on a lady, a Tsaeious Rooras. Bolinrhrokevtw V.T.aek evecinr. November ti. at 6 o'clock, renuiaa IIOUdEIIOLU FURNITURE, hom*ontal rrand pia toforte, shower bath, Arartt stove, plata.1 arlieleja. china, rlasa, 14 japaanesl tw canisters, choice sum, battled ale and stout, aad numerous elects.,dcasals.(ueahadav Three Lathes. MR. PRICE will SELL by AUCTI0X, at his Rjvana. OusHtv oarr rhuMnjul. Jt.IiiT nh HOLTJUPFFEL'saiiiaieurdoihVctiiel nolbora hilL A Upper llnrinnm i "i Tfn.aI.nVi suu hi.

auivuauujiur ajlrrfa. la w. Cjjj dp' A.ri101 or Uottsemaid in a genUe XJft. mar ni msn a vP fomaas, an 30 who parfaetly andsTsasa hej ia a ti ASsSSSSSSiSlESt i us( LATHE, with crer head motion, eumtiound dindinr eorins. on i Soacisj.

ntah atany traae. Titled with rae of iu wife, if required. Both to buftrd aad lodra ia tha I st brass chucks, kt, fv rsaa a Mneh Lathe oo Irca frataa snih di viiaua criurier pufea oeaa. ac ana nstaa wim nlatncany ne of drawers; a insh Bad Lalha. wiA hack moU n.

taraedlb wbeeL' coxpouad slide rest, kc. oa stoat iron frame also a Patent Oven. May be.Tiewed twa dayaprior aad morning of sale, sjidaualkuea had Mr. AS Messexoer, Light Porter, or in any. light em rL ymeet.

where he caa make himself useful, a respectable younr man. are 3D, wb knowa tew, wed. aad caa have lha aiaaest racommesi dal HUh egees. hhoreditch. AS Light' Porter in a boarding house, or any otdver capacity, a yoaaf man.

aaa 19. Direct to J.LCvH. Qaaeav treet. Edreware road. AS Lioht Porter, oat of doors, a respecUble yossni mao.wHharnoddjaracaar.

Piract to JT J. Joosa's. a.Cooper'sioni l.Oriau Wiadrnmtresai, Haymarket. A LionT Porter, a steady man, who can read Prioas paces. 4j, Chanosry lane.

Seat aai FurTiitura, Linen, Chlsta. O'laat. Wiaea. msjhla loi. rilt Pier Tabla.

Ity Mr. ALFRED PAY. oa tte Premisea. 3. St.

Viiimvfdacc. Csymad. on Friday. XoTeubar 6, at U. eouau OilPRISIXG French, tent, and other besteads wrth priaM toon feather bad, sattrvasee, Wttaey jlaakata.

ttsahotany wardrobe, dtslo ebaat td drawen. rosewood drawinr room avjiia. eomnrtsijLf ataaaj a wajo, csars ajd pit pier liblas.loo and an tables, chain, couch in rlsmsik. cursaina wuh gilt eoraiea. card, pasnhrt ka.

dlniajt. and oUartaslas, rnajora eaaira. coach, eet arwt sideboard, 31 deaaa of wiaa. haeu. ehttaa, (laaa, aad trnmerous other llama May be viewed aaa day prior aad ftaoraint ava.

Catalacuea Mr ba bkU at tkw aajCtt Jt saar. Cr Isthh, Cjay U. Barnsbury park. Neat ITouseh di rjrniture. two haadsoma Wardrobes.

Pales al Sideboard, line toned Plan.aVrt. with Metallic Plate. Paintirie. Plate and Plated Article. Ta'e and Bl Lair 3.

Una Wmes. Garden Roller, and Effects. MR.C. FURBEK will SELL by AUCTION, on the Pi emi es. 13.

Beliiha Yiia Bamsbary park. To morrtrw. u. uj at j. i.

ru ci i'. i iecuiwi. vna exceuent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: cocrrisirr rbur nost Frvncb sod oth'er bddsteada. intoe'rooi a feather beds, clean beddine. chests of draw ri, aeu of laahoocy and rosewood chairs, loo.

dminr. Pembroke, aad oiber table, chixnner'asves sofas cartx ts. curuur.s jMlcioth'. china, rhve. and domestic reouis Mae be mn.i caiaioruea uaa oa mepremisea, aaa at tae aucuoa acas, warwici H.

Fora stivet. CripTjlerase ToMUliva Linealrarwrj. andothars. MR. C.

FURBKR will SELL by AUCTION, oa the on Friday. Xoremher at II for.II preciely. on account of the number of lets, the very extea ire aad laehUinahla STOCK in TRADE or a whale ale MILLINER oar binr silk, patln. velvet, fancy straw, and other bonuses, a cosily Tanety of Tdrrt aad vs aajwiuea Twice, a.oca oi tars in muTis. tKiar.

Ticsonnee. ata. sp'eodid Telvots aod stlna in the piece aT of the fpest dercrptioa and in eoulesa variety. The capiul llouts hi 1 Fa. iailsue utcaoaee rosewood eeatra table, mahogany show ditto, sets of chars, snfas.

aoMa chimney, per, eheraL aad idressicir rlassva. bv.T'a. win red wardrobe, the clean chamber furniture, and di me tie rtquisiiea The House and Bus a FixnirsaeoJinoftnaasiTftmahorasiy topcoantara, repository, raaros, ate: toreuer snta numerous otner ocss. Mar ba viewed, and eata 'omea had en the nremi ea. and at lha auction 'cgieca.

Warwick.CJ.nrt..Oray'aiLn On View This Par (Wedn Tn rrriw' (Thuralayl. To roorrow.RenioTed from Eufti a auare. Capital Household Furniture compnatng a rosewood Drawing Room Suite in striped Balis. Couches. Chairs.

Lnuniea en suits. Lr Card, and Fancy TaM a. a Cabinet Pianoforte, a Oottag ditto, till Piccolo Pining Room Furniture in Spanish tnah. rary. It Chairs covered ia morocco.

JU.ST avDU lAUTmTJ lUhUS.CSlKXl.JlD. S.U.UIJ1 a.v Is satin hatrooth. a spiendid lMuths CunJebar. 4 and. 8 light ditto, Ptcaer aad Dessert Services, Plated Artides, ta EngraTiaa framed aad r'Aied.

Orianial China Bowls. Vases, and a amorous Aru MARKS will SELL by AUC JLtJLtIOX. at his plaadid'Sooms. 113. Oxiord slraet.

near lereat ITPRJC and EFFJCTS Jala the pejperty ot a lady dectasadj by order kttchan rsaiuisitaa. elaeka aad dials, papier maehe tzaya, plated arajtara, liaaor aad cruel trataea, aad a variety of useful electa. On view, and cajjvkcraaa may ba had at th Oiford aaaet. aear Iiasnt To Families Furnishing.

St. John's woodt wsly jvurmturv Cottaia rianoioric, auu mss iiB i.u cvs oi a ilJaaaeDcn. MR. GEO. ROWCLIFFE legs to announce he Ishon ursd with tnsusictiona to mnoTa a.iarra rasideBca of superb FURXITURE ta clause la operation proluaiung a ta! on lha premises) to tha great Room.

8, Xesririgtoti SALB by public CUMffcTiTIUM. IUI3 PAX. XoTeuber 4. at II. Among the tuperb furniture will be found a handsome olid rosewood drawing room suits is curtains, couches, chairs, ottomans, aetteea.

Act, to oorrev pond, loo, card. oeeMODaLwcTk. aad fancy tablta, coaaolsa and glasses. cu patteru cwrpeie, reocu.iiaaia caiujoey inarses, 1resueirJjnisaiieiis Ac. caoiral Soaniah mahoranT dinittr room and lirirarr Tamiture ia chain and cjuchee uorered morjeco.

seiaaeppe dining tables, a chairs, superb sidahoard. Turkey cai pebi, bookcayes, crimson, moruw. and damask curtains, ke. In the rjciiicipal bed rooms noble and kdsy lour post ana rans an oeusieada. goose aad down dsnh.

woei ania mur roattmaais.1 kan blaAkela.wlniTed war.lrrvhea.nlain ditto marlaton a AsaV' ttaada and raleta. etjeval and toilet rlavMsTbedstaaa and bidets. easAf cases, carpets, curtains Ac furniture for the upper rooms, rich rhia a aad rises, rdate and plated article', culinary utensils, trvetber with an merotu valuable asTeeta, I uttabla to a respectable reaidecce. The ef teesj wi'L be aa view tiMnorrow and morulae of sad. rT.

msv ba had at the primrpal Ion' at St. Jeha'a a ood and at the Rooms, 8, (( tngtoa eatt away. IS'o. 4d. Wat inr street, reenove from liuiidford atre.t and terraae.

By Mr. AM US IZOD. at the. Sherrs Sale Rooms. 4 Wnfirg street, ctj.

oa Friday. Xt emherS, at 1 preaaely. wtshout reserre. CIOSTLY and excellent modern Furniture, cf suaerior manufsjttare Induding two drawing room auiaaa. eovareil in silk tabaret and damask tnmpri uk chairs, Iottngra, easy chain, loo, card, aad oetasional tables, glass chelf ituer, rulia of curtains for three windows, looking giassea, a brilliant toned eottaee piano.

fmebyan em nest maker. larre Brutaela carpets, hearth roa kc; dining room suites, comprising let ot dining tables, aal of Stwnish medio, gaay chairs, pedestal aidcboarls, easy chairs. iLncar waggon, ke. the bed roomfurciluracrarori esfowr poa.tibiea. aad other beJsteaJs, ua oamasc rurnitore.

goose ana aown latuur peas, ivorse beir aaa ool niattressaa. lane Witaer blanks Is. ebaval and box elassea. anarble top wash hand stands and dressing tables, linen, eMna and glass, wperior Fkcfftdd tJated goods, table dock, with alt the tueful kitchen ajtrrols ta May re viewed oo Thursday and morning of ralcand caialonef had atthellallof Mr. Iiod.

at his trOoea, the Sherifl Sale Rooms Walhnt streat. city, aad a 9. Retent srees. At the Commexcal Sale Rootds. Mincmg lane.

LojWs To morrow. naTemners. at acueiy, try oner 01 the Lords DoatcsssioDen ei th A Imiralty. "JTAVY and Marine Clothing, blue cloth, blue 1.T and red kaise. flnshtne.

een a. f' dnek RBBn. biinkela. rugs, jack eta. trousers, shirts, stockings, shoes, wonted frocks, tbsead.

buttons, cats, caps, belts, swords, books, canvass, wrappers, teds, blanket in pieces. 300 dratea of painters' 'bruues. M0 doxen ilsea rhirts.I.'O poliek.osvia. axui other goods. Mar ta Tiered three oasa rremo ani mornmg or sale, at the brr toT wirejosue, ij.

cij.v row. Casalocues at the Coomeveial Sals Rooms: and of BOOTH and SOX. Bn kcrs. Badf At the London Oommeroal Sale Rxams. Mincing lane, loww rmet, aa iretoeadaytbellih, and Thun lay the Ulh at fof.lodock rlEfollowing Wines and Brandies X.

HSptpea. trr. casks rfiunerior Red rt 60 ptmebeona. hhds. of old Cognac Bt andy.

ot vt braadiaM hutta. S3 hbda. eaakx ot Eherr. 40 casss ot 40 hhds. and quarter casks ot LiiVoo.

Bucaaa acvl CaiaTfcJt, East India Madeira. Caret, Bats. ks. siw avus visr. juna Tiii.1'.

wifls. a- atartjaavaa a. Pruned aad pablisriad SHS5SS'.

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)


What political party is The Times? ›

The Times
Front page, 19 October 2015
Political alignmentCentre-right
HeadquartersThe News Building, London 1 London Bridge Place, SE1 9GF
CountryUnited Kingdom
Circulation365,880 (as of March 2020)
10 more rows

What is the audience of The Times? ›

Reach of The Times newspaper in the United Kingdom 2019-2020, by demographic. The Times had an average monthly reach of around 15 million adults in the United Kingdom from April 2019 to March 2020.

Who owns the London Times? ›

The Times and its sister paper The Sunday Times (founded in 1821) are published by Times Newspapers, since 1981 a subsidiary of News UK, itself wholly owned by the News Corp group headed by Rupert Murdoch.

Is the London Times the same as The Times? ›

In countries where these other titles are popular, the newspaper is often referred to as The London Times, or as The Times of London. The Times had an average daily circulation of 417,298 in January 2019. In the same period, The Sunday Times had an average weekly circulation of 712,291.

What type of person reads the Times? ›

The Times” founded in 1785, is read by the minority of people today. It has a rather small circulation, but its influence is greater than its circulation figures (100,000 copies a day). It is an establishment newspaper, read by lawyers, politicians, and businessmen, by all those who work in the government at large.

Which newspapers are right-wing in the UK? ›

Tabloid newspapers
TitleDays of publicationPolitical orientation
The SunDailyRight-wing
The Sun on SundaySundays
Daily MailDaily
The Mail on SundaySundays
8 more rows

Who is The Times' main competitor? ›

The Times and The Sunday Times have the highest overall share of business decision makers, reaching 53% of this audience, encompassing print and online, followed by Daily and Sunday Telegraph on 34%, FT on 30% and The Guardian/Observer trailing on 29%.

What political party does the Guardian support? ›

The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.

Is the telegraph labour or conservative? ›

The Daily Telegraph is politically conservative and has endorsed the Conservative Party at every UK general election since 1945.

What kind of newspaper is The Times of London? ›

The Times is a British daily national newspaper based in London.

Who owns most of London? ›

Canary Wharf Group Investment Holdings

What is the oldest newspaper still in circulation in the UK? ›

The oldest newspaper still in print in the world. Still published as a daily (paper and online) newspaper. From issue 24 in 1666, the paper was printed in London and renamed London Gazette; this is still published.

Who is the target audience of The Times? ›

The Times' target audience, according to ABC data, is predominantly ABC1, over 35 and has a liberal/ right-wing political stance. This well-educated and middle-class audience take an interest in national and global affairs and can understand and engage with detailed political reporting.

What is the political stance of the independent? ›

Political views. The Independent is generally described as centrist, centre-left, liberal, and liberal-left.

What does London Times mean? ›

London time means Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) with adherence to British Summer Time (BST). BST begins on the last Sunday of March and ends on the last Sunday of October, during which time clocks are advanced from GMT by one hour (GMT +01:00).

Does Murdoch own The Times? ›

Who owns the main UK national newspapers? The Sun, The Times and The Sun on Sunday are owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. The Independent, the i, and The Independent on Sunday are owned by Alexander Lebedev's Independent Print Limited. The Independent is now online only.

Is the Washington Times a Democrat or Republican? ›

The Washington Times
America's Newspaper
FoundedMay 17, 1982
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters3600 New York Avenue NE Washington, D.C., U.S.
20 more rows

What is the political party of the independent newspaper? ›

Political views. The Independent is generally described as centrist, centre-left, liberal, and liberal-left.

Is the spectator right wing? ›

The Spectator is a weekly British news magazine focusing on politics, culture, and current affairs. It was first published in July 1828, making it the oldest surviving magazine in the world. The Spectator is politically conservative, and its principal subject areas are politics and culture.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.