John 7:5 5.For even his brethren did not believe in him. Hence we infer how small is the value of carnal relationship; for the Holy Spirit stamps with a perpetual mark of infamy the relations of Christ, because, though convinced by the testimonies of so many
Acts 20:34 −34.Yea, ye know He doth not, in these words, precisely set down a law which all the ministers of the word must needs keep; for he did not behave himself so loftily and lordlike, that he did take that away which the Lord had granted to his servants,
Acts 21:21 Не обрезывали.Так и было на самом деле. Ибо Павел повсеместно учил свободе, обретенной для иудеев и язычников. Общими являются такие его утверждения: обрезание – ничто (1 Corinthians 7:19), мы обрезаны крещением Христовым, а не рукотворным обрезанием.
Romans 12:6 6.Having gifts, etc. Paul speaks not now simply of cherishing among ourselves brotherly love, but commends humility, which is the best moderator of our whole life. Every one desires to have so much himself, so as not to need any help from others; but
Romans 15:31 31.That my ministration, etc. Slanderers had so prevailed by their accusations, that he even feared that the present would hardly be acceptable, as coming from his hands, which otherwise, under such a distress, would have been very seasonable. And hence
Romans 5:8 8.But God confirms, etc. The verb, συνίστησι, has various meanings; that which is most suitable to this place is that of confirming; for it was not the Apostle’s object to excite our gratitude,
1 Corinthians 1:7 7.So that ye come behind in no gift ̔Υστερεισθαι means to be in want of what you would otherwise stand in need of. (49) He means, therefore, that the Corinthians abound in all
1 Corinthians 15:1 1.Now I make known to you. He now enters on another subject — the resurrection — the belief of which among the Corinthians had been shaken by some wicked persons. It is uncertain, however, whether they doubted merely as to the ultimate resurrection
1 Corinthians 16:5 5.When I shall pass through Macedonia The common opinion is, that this espistle was sent from Philippi. Persons coming thence to Corinth by land, required to pass through Macedonia; for that colony is situated in the farthest extremity, towards the
1 Corinthians 3:3 3.For ye are as yet carnal So long as the flesh, that is to say, natural corruption, prevails in a man, it has so completely possession of the man’s mind, that the wisdom of God finds no admittance. Hence, if we would make proficiency in the Lord’s
1 Corinthians 8:3 3.But if any man loves God Here we have the conclusion, in which he shows what is especially commendable in Christians, and even renders knowledge, and all other endowments worthy of commendation, if we love God; for if it is so, we will also love our
2 Corinthians overview THE ARGUMENTON THESECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS.So far as we can judge from the connection of this Epistle, it appears that the first Epistle was not without some good effect among the Corinthians, (199) but at the same time was not productive
2 Corinthians 10:3 3.For though we walk in the flesh. Walking in the flesh means here — living it the world; or, as he expresses it elsewhere,being at home in the body. (2 Corinthians 5:6.)For he was shut up in the prison of his body. This, however, did not
2 Corinthians 7:15 15.His bowels more abundantly. As the bowels are the seat of the affections, the term is on that account employed to denote compassion, love, and every pious affection. (657) He wished, however, to express emphatically the idea, that while Titus had
2 Corinthians 7:9 9.Not because you have been made sorry. He means, that he feels no pleasure whatever in their sorrow — nay more, had he his choice, he would endeavor to promote equally their welfare and their joy, by the same means; but that as he could not do
Galatians 6:15 15.For in Christ Jesus. The reason why he is crucified to the world, and the world to him, is, that in Christ, to whom he is spiritually united, nothing but a new creature is of any avail. Everything else must be dismissed, must perish. I refer to those
Ephesians 2:17 17.And came and preached peace. All that Christ had done towards effecting a reconciliation would have been of no service, if it had not been proclaimed by the gospel; and therefore he adds, that the fruit of this peace has now been offered both to
Ephesians 5:2 2.And walk in love as Christ also hath loved us. Having called on us to imitate God, he now calls on us to imitate Christ, who is our true model. We ought to embrace each other with that love with which Christ has embraced us, for what we perceive in
1 Thessalonians 4:16 16For the Lord himself. He employs the term κελεύσματος, (shout,) and afterwards adds, the voice of the archangel, by way of exposition, intimating what is to be the nature of that
Hebrews 10:27 27.But a certain fearful looking for, etc. He means the torment of an evil conscience which the ungodly feel, who not only have no grace, but who also know that having tasted grace they have lost it forever through their own fault; such must not only
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