Can you summon spirits against Margit? (2025)

There's a sorcery user NPC you can summon right near the fog door to the boss, and of course you can summon friends as well. However, Margit is very tough if you're a melee-only user. The AI NPC summon is very squishy and won't last long, either. You can also summon spirits using any of the Ashes you've collected.

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Can you summon spirits to fight Margit?

Morgott, The Omen King Overview

The boss fight is mandatory to access Mountaintops of the Giants, the next main area in the game. The nearest Site of Grace is the Queen's Bedchamber. You can summon Melina, your maiden, to help you in this fight. Alongside Melina, you can also summon online players and Spirit Ashes.

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Can you use spirit ashes on Margit?

Another great tactic for defeating Elden Ring Margit is to use Spirit Ashes and Summons as a distraction. Any player will benefit from these, but players using ranged or magic builds will benefit a lot.

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What is the best summon against Margit?

Jellyfish, which you obtain by speaking to Roderika at Stormhill Shack several times, and Wolf Pack, the default summon, are the best choices for this fight. Make sure to summon Sorcerer Rogier outside the fog barrier as well. He doesn't do much, but he occupies Margit's attention.

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Can you summon wolves against Margit?

You should also make use of your strongest Spirit Ashes in the fight, to divide Margit's attention. Lone Wolves are a decent summon here. They won't last too long against Margit's wide sweeping attacks, but every little helps.

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Elden Ring | Early Game SPIRIT SUMMON great for MARGIT Boss Fight

What level should I be at for Margit?

Polygon's guide for beating Margit includes tons of helpful combat tips, but our guide — and many other Elden Ring guides — lacks one key piece of information. What level are you supposed to be in order to beat Margit? The short answer is around level 25.

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What magic is Margit weak to?

Margit doesn't have any blatant weaknesses, but if you are looking to deal some extra elemental or affliction damage, then Fire is a good place to start, especially since you can learn how to make Firebombs fairly early. It's also an easy weakness for a spellcaster to exploit, if you have any Intellect.

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Is Margit the worst boss in Elden ring?

Margit, the Fell Omen may not technically be the most difficult boss in Elden Ring, but given how early on he is encountered, he can certainly be pretty tough. In fact, according to GamesRadar, even the game's producer conceded that Margit was a bit too challenging relative to his placement in the game.

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Is Margit weak to Poison?

Margit and Godrick are vulnerable to a couple of status effects, including bleed and poison.

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What is the best spirit for Margit?

Bring the Lone Wolves spirit ash

To make this boss fight much easier, we recommend using the Lone Wolves spirit ash. As you can see in Ollie's footage above, the wolves will keep Morgott busy with constant attacks and occasionally cause the boss to stagger.

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Can you skip Margit the fell omen?

The path to skipping the Margit, the Fell Omen boss fight. If you absolutely cannot beat Margit in your current state, you do have the option to skip the fight. To do so, head from the Stormhill Shack Site of Grace and make your way north under the broken bridge overhead.

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What level should I face Morgott?

We'll start with some advice to take before you go in. To fight Morgott on even terms, you should be level 80 at the least, and probably a lot higher, with weapons of +15 and up. Obviously the higher the better, but you'll really have a challenge if you haven't reached these thresholds yet.

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Is Margit an optional boss?

Margit, the Fell Omen is a Great Enemy Boss in Elden Ring. This is an optional boss as players don't need to defeat him to advance in Elden Ring, though they do need to defeat Margit to advance to Stormveil Castle. Margit, the Fell Omen is found in Stormhill when players attempt to approach Stormveil Castle.

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What is the creepiest boss in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring: 10 Scariest Bosses In The Game

  1. 1 Death Rite Bird.
  2. 2 Abductor Virgins. ...
  3. 3 Grafted Scion. ...
  4. 4 Erdtree Burial Watchdog. ...
  5. 5 Ulcerated Tree Spirit. ...
  6. 6 Godrick The Grafted. ...
  7. 7 Beast Clergyman. ...
  8. 8 Elden Beast. ...

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Who is easier Margit or Godrick?

Margit is harder, yes. Godrick is slow and telegraphs all his AoEs which are easy to get out of the way of. Might be you just got better at the game by the time you met Godrick. And/or leveled.

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Who is the weakest boss in Elden Ring?

The Soldier of Godrick is, by far, the easiest boss in Elden Ring and many players constantly joke online that he is the hardest. The boss serves as the tutorial boss and is about as easy as fighting any normal enemy.

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Am I fighting Margit too early?

Am I fighting Margit too early? Don't fight him until you have a decent enough weapon (such as a +3 weapon), don't fight him until you are at a higher level, and don't fight him until you've explored enough of Limgrave.

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Why is Margit the fell omen so hard?

Elden Ring: Why The Fight Against Margit is Too Difficult

Margit is fast, hits like a tank, utilizes an erratic attack pattern that covers a lot of ground, and even benefits from the fact that you have to fight him near cliffs that you can fall down but he cannot.

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Is Margit immune to bleed?

Margit is vulnerable to Bleed, which is a status you can build up by hitting him with weapons like the Spiked Club. Bleed will instantly take out a chunk of Margit's health each time you successfully manage to build it up.

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What is the max level in Elden ring?

What is the Max Level in Elden Ring? Hitting max level in Elden Ring means getting to level 713, which costs 1,692,558,415 runes in total. To accomplish this, Fireman_Artsen beat the game enough times to get to New Game+ 8, while also doing plenty of co-op and rune farming.

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What should I do before fighting Margit?

So here are seven bosses to beat before you get to Margit the Fell Omen.

  • Beastman of Farum Azula. (Image credit: FromSoftware) ...
  • Grave Warden Duelist. (Image credit: FromSoftware) ...
  • Patches. (Image credit: FromSoftware) ...
  • Black Knife Assassin. (Image credit: FromSoftware) ...
  • Erdtree Burial Watchdog. ...
  • Tibia Mariner. ...
  • Leonine Misbegotten.

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Can you summon spirits against Margit? (2025)


What spirit summon is best against Margit? ›

Jellyfish, which you obtain by speaking to Roderika at Stormhill Shack several times, and Wolf Pack, the default summon, are the best choices for this fight. Make sure to summon Sorcerer Rogier outside the fog barrier as well. He doesn't do much, but he occupies Margit's attention.

Can you summon people to fight Margit? ›

You can use your spirit bell and Roget, the computer NPC, can be summoned right at the boss door. Also, you can get a shackle from Patches to make the fight even easier for Margit. For Godrick, you can use your spirit bell and summon the computer NPC Nepheli Loux.

What are the best ashes to beat Margit? ›

Use the Spirit Jellyfish Ashes to distract Margit and build up poison. If you don't have those, go to the Stormhill Shack, and speak to the woman sitting there. After a few dialogue prompts, she'll give you this gift. You equip it in your pouch, just like your flasks.

What is Margit weak against? ›

The Spirit Jellyfish has weak melee attacks, but it's decent at applying poison damage – and Margit is weak to poison. Failing that, see if you could bring a weapon that deals bleed damage. Sorcerer Rogier will also be available to summon for help during this fight, and you should do so if you find yourself in a pinch.

How do you beat Margit fast? ›

The best way to strike Margit is to hit them once they've finished performing their attacks. By looking at their attack patterns, you can have a window of opportunity to hit them with quick strikes. It's always better to stick and move rather than lay into them with a series of long combos.

Who helps you fight Margit? ›

2. Enlist the aid of Sorcerer Rogier and your Spirit Ashes. Just before you pass through the mist to fight Margit, look to the right and you'll see a golden rune on the floor. Whenever you see this, it's an indication that you can summon an NPC ally to help you in the coming battle.

What level should I be for Margit? ›

To help you secure your first great victory, our full Elden Ring Margit boss fight guide well help you fell the Fell Omen and earn your way into Stormveil. The recommended level for Margit the Fell Omen is at least 20, ideally 25+. You should also use weapons of +3 or more.

What is the best summon against Margit in Elden Ring? ›

Summoning Melina for the fight with Morgott is a very good idea. She uses powerful attacks and can even heal you with incantations, which might make you wonder why she doesn't help out more often. Alternatively, if you've leveled up your Spirit Jellyfish ash summon, the poison might come in handy.

Who is stronger godrick or Margit? ›

Margit is harder, yes. Godrick is slow and telegraphs all his AoEs which are easy to get out of the way of. Might be you just got better at the game by the time you met Godrick. And/or leveled.

What is the best weapon to fight Margit? ›

Weapons that deal rapid slashes or heavy attacks—scimitars, twinblades, and greatswords are solid options—can break Margit's posture quickly, leaving him open to a critical hit. The Reduva Dagger also works wonders against Margit. If you have the stats to wield it properly, rely heavily on its Blood Blade Skill.

Is Margit an easy boss? ›

However, that's kind of the problem with the fight against Margit. It's supposed to better prepare you for what is to come, but it turns out to be significantly more difficult than most of the things you'll encounter in the game for quite some time.

How many times do you fight Margit? ›

At the top awaits the final boss of the area: Morgott, the Omen King, son of Marika and Godfrey. By this point in Elden Ring, Morgott should be a familiar face. This will be the third time you've taken him on, assuming you fought him at Stormveil (as his alter ego, Margit) and in the Capital Outskirts.

What spells should I use against Margit? ›

Margit tends to have an unexpected set of moves and is surprisingly agile. Using the Lone Wolf Ashes will give players time to fire arrows or cast a spell multiple times. Beast Claw and Glintstone Stars are great options for beating this boss since they deal decent damage.

What is the best magic to use against Margit? ›

Margit tends to have an unexpected set of moves and is surprisingly agile. Using the Lone Wolf Ashes will give players time to fire arrows or cast a spell multiple times. Beast Claw and Glintstone Stars are great options for beating this boss since they deal decent damage.

What is the best summon against Morgott in Elden ring? ›

Best summons against Morgott

Summoning Melina for the fight with Morgott is a very good idea.

Do I need to summon Rogier for Margit? ›

Rogier is a sorcerer, who is first encountered as an optional summon against Margit, the Fell Omen, he is later found within a church searching for knowledge in Stormveil Castle.

What is the best spirit summon in Elden ring? ›

Lhutel the Headless is Elden Ring's best tank Spirit Summon, as she's equipped with heavy armor and a greatshield. She can also throw her spear for decent ranged damage and will constantly teleport around enemies, making it difficult for them to hit her.

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.